Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1305

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umm:. 1283 _ Page. ¥ _ Page. Cascade Range, Forest Reservatmn, Oreg., I Cewahjy Equipments, A1-my, _ proclamation setting apart .. 1240 appropriation for .__.. 242, 662 Casey: Thomas Ii., U. S. A., _ · _ Oayuse Indians. duties, increasing Water supply Dk5h1ct appropriation for support, etc., of . 303, 892 of Columbia, ._,____._.,... 752 (bday, A CME. on free list, rough, etc .__,_____,___,__,, 546 duty vm empty ..----------- 521 mam: ou, Cassava or Cassady, qu {mq list ______________________________ 542 OD 9*06 HS}? . - - - . 545 Ggpggnf, Cum, dc:, duty on hydraulic, in packages . 512 on poe mt, ungrmmd .. 544 in bulk _______________________________ 512 CUOMG Oi, other ..,...,__,,,. 512 011 UGG 11Sf ..-.-.-.- 542 Cemetcrks Saw National Cemeteries). Cassidy, Robert, I Cemetery, nd, D. C., payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 465 charter ended; interment Erohibited 220 Caasiterite, · removal of bodies; sale of nds; disposal onfreelist . 545 of proceeds---.. .- 220 C'¢3¤¢tI1‘0¤» _ 518 Camus (sec Eleventh Census). u y ou mpeg ... mm, gmc, vessels, plum, etc-, ... . .. 518 0mm1d ’ · dugg50a _______________ ms ¤¤¤¤<>¤b ¤, Mt Svwfvd -------~------- 518 cmmnm J Laying cm-M- sum of me hollow ware .. 518 Capitol, Casfellnvrqrq. celebration or me ,, · 10 npxgrvvmucn for consul at .---»·----- 148, 822 made a bounty m me mmm ._,_.. 11 Cgtg Soap, 511 loam of fst? 0; celebration of .. 11 \1_ 011 ..---»--·..- appropria u or printing` , etc., mputt C‘¢w¢w¢. M8-, of joint committee- ‘ 578

 granted t0,for public park -.-·----- 159 I Central Dispemary, etc., D. O.,

“CG8h?'I»6,” U S. S., _ _ _ y appropriation for .,_..,...,___,_.. 259, 761 deficiency appropriation for m1prove— i Omum, C st ments; ---------------—··------- 43 { on freelist . 539 a W98· $$68 » _ { Certi es orlmprovements, D. C'., d¤tY (mt not 8966166*1 -----------—------- 516 Mm fappropriation for paying, ille- Caufor or Qastorcum, } ggy Issued ______________________ 354) °¤ fm hst -------—--—-----------·-·---- 539 C'ertz)‘icates of Residence, C""'"' B"“”’· 8 { to be procured by Chinese laborers endutv <¤2 ----—— —· --------—---~—----------— 52 mma w remain in me Umm C118h}?' Od, stanza___________________________ 7 duty 0D ·—---———----—-· · —----—-----—---- 510 E to contain photograph of applicant , 8 Caswell, T. 1}, { Ceylon, auowume m accwnts --·------ · ---·--~~ 438 appropriation for consul at ... , . . . 147, 822 Catalogue of Eqzorts and Imports, Inter- Chains, n¢1T19‘¤{¢L _ _ _ · duty on iron or steel ,... 518 appropriation for completmg, m Enghsh, · g;,,,;,- Gang, Spanish, and Portuguese 151, 825duty on wrought_ etc ___________________ 521 Catalogue o_f_ Government Publications, 5 Chalk, P1‘€P3!'8U0¤; contents ------------------- 612 k dnt; on prepared, and preparations .,... 509 Catania, [ on ree list, uumnxmfacturerl ... 539 appropriation for consul at ... 148, 822 Chambers, Rebecca H. (sister) , Catgut. etc., p0¤¤i9¤ -._ .. 1009 on free list, unmauufactured 539 § Chamvw Skws, Cathedral, Washington, D. C., 4 duty on 534 power of trustees Protestant Episcopal E Chamomile Oil, Cathedral Foundation 83 ‘ on free list- 542 Cattle (see also Animals). g Champagne, on free list, stmying across boundary 3 duty on 525 line, etc _ .. Z ... 5 37 I Chandeleur, La., appropriation for inspection ot .. 731 a propriation for light station .. · 375 iDSp•¢C¢i0D of UVB, whose ¤1€8$|¤ WU? 6X- K algownnce of expenses for building, etc- . 428 ported ... _ 7 32 Channels, marks, etc., of inspectwn; penalty fOr duty on iron or steel; cartruck channels- 515 forging. etc .--..--... _ . 7 32 Chapel Point. Md., carrying condemned meat in interstate preliminary gxgmimgtiou of harbor, mba and foreign commerce forbidden; made .--..- . ..--.-.-..-.--.------ 365 multies _-...-e---.- . .---.--- 732 Chapin, John E., pure , determined by Secretary of approygiation for heirs of, killed by Agriculture ,,,.,.------..- . -.-- 269, 733 ord`s Theater disaster ..,,_.. 932 negotiation to be made for removal of Chaplain, English regulations. etc . 1 . 269 appropriation fol', Senate ...,__.__ 162, 765 temporary grazing in Mexico permitted- 577 gr, House of Representatives . . 165. 768 Cattle, Akai, Chaprman. PVilliam, appropriation for quarantine stations h01101‘€ diSCh81'§€ to .. , .* 994 for ________________ _ _,_______... 269, 733 Charcoal, Cczulficld, James F., dugn irou bars. etc.. made by _______. 515 payment of Court of Claims judgment t0- 469OD ]iS|i . 539