Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1358

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1336 INDEX. Page. Japan-Continued. appropriation for interpreter to legation 142,817 for rent of legation buildings, etc. 143, 817 for interpreters at consulates. 149, 824 for marshals, consular courts. 150, 824 for keeping, etc., prisoners 150, 824 Jasmine or Jasimine Oil, on free list 542 Jefferson City Bridge and Transit Company, may bridge Missouri River at Jefferson City, Mo. 80 may change construction of bridge across Missouri River 601 Jefferson City, Mo., construction of bridge authorized across Missouri River at 80 construction may be changed. 601 Jekyl Creek, Ga., appropriation for improving 351 Jellies, duty on 524 Jennings, William H., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 459 Jennison, George, deficiency appropriation for 866 Jensen, James D., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 471 Jerusalem, appropriation for consul at 146,821 Jet, duty on manufactures of 535 trimmings, etc 536 on free list, unmanufactured 541 Jewelry, duty on, not specified 534 Jewels, Watch, etc., on free list 539 Jewett, George H., payment to. 1002 Jewett, T. Carlos, payment of Court of Claims judgment to 451 Jicarilla Agency, appropriation for Indian agent at 287 Jocko Reservation, Mont appropriation for Indian school 310 Johnson, Frank, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 459 Johnson, J. E., deficiency appropriation for services 448 Johnson, John E., may accept medal from Spain 990 Johnson, Jens, payment of Court of Claims judgment to 474 Johnson, Wells, pension increased 989 Joint Commission of Congress, filling vacancies 211 two clerks may be paid for extra services. 211 Joists. duty on iron or steel 515 Jones, Abram D., payment of Court of Claims judgment to 471 Jones, James, pension 1044 Jones, Justus Boyd, appropriation for heirs of, killed by Ford's Theater disaster 932 Jones, McLain, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 475 Jones, Ray W., approval of lease to, Indian lands, Minn. 1018 Jones, Richard, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 452 Jones, W. C., deficiency appropriation for 442 Jordan, Arthur H., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 467 Jordan, David Clark, appropriation for heirs of, killed by Ford's Theater disaster 932 Joseph's Band, Nez Perces Indians, appropriation for support, etc., of 303, 892 Joss Stick or Light, on free list 541 Joule, established as unit of electrical work; definition 102 Journals, Senate and House of Representatives, number to be printed: distribution 609 Joy, Charles F., deficiency appropriation for contested-election expenses 448 Joynes, R. C., may accept medal, etc., from Spain 990 Judge-Advocate-General's Department, Army, appropriation for pay of officers; longevity 234, 656 Judge-Advocate-General's Office, War Department, appropriation for clerks, etc. 187,788 Judge-Advocate-General's Office, Navy, appropriation for clerks, etc. 190,791

Judges (see United States Courts). Judgments, deficiency appropriation for, against District of Columbia 432, 852 for paying, Court of Claims 450,868 for paying, United States courts 476,869 for paying, Indian depredation claims 476, 868 Judgments, United States Courts, record in county court not required if clerk keeps open judgment record. 814 Judicial Expenses (see also United States Courts), appropriation for. 203, 956 Juglandium Oil, on free list 542 Juices, on free list, lemon, lime, etc 541 Junction City and Fort Riley Rapid Transit Street Railway Company, time extended for right of way, Fort Riley Reservation, Kans. 38 Juniper Oil, on free list 542 Junk, on free list, old 541 Jurors, United States Courts, appropriation for fees 416, 957 deficiency appropriation for fees. 61, 443, 478, 486, 639, 861 Jury Trials, D. C., actions exceeding $20, entitled to 668 Justices of the Peace, D. C., jurisdiction extended to suits not exceeding $300 668 cases excepted 668 exclusive jurisdiction up to $100 668 concurrent with supreme court between $100 and $300. 668 jury trial if more than $20 involved. 668 limit of appeals 668 issuing writs of attachment 669 service; notice, etc 669 order of publication, substitute for personal service 669 replevin declaration; affidavit, etc 670 proceedings; damages, etc 670