Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1361

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INDEX 1339 Page. La Guayra, appropriation for consul at 148,822 La Pointe Agency, Wis., appropriation for Indian agent at 287,877 La Rabida, Convent of, exhibit in, transferred to Columbian Museum, Chicago 843 La Tourette, James A. M., payment of Court of Claims judgment to executrix of 474 La Trappe River, Md., appropriation for improving. 348 Labor, Commissioner of, appropriation for, clerks, etc.. 203, 804 for investigating effects of machinery on labor 590 may be directed to act as Superintendent of Census 3 compensation 3 modifications to be made in Eleventh Census publications. 60 to investigate work and wages of women and children 587 to investigate and report on liquor problem 804 to publish bulletin on condition of labor 805 printing report of, authorized; distribution 614 Labor, Convict, importing goods made by, prohibited 552 Labor Day, made a public holiday 96 Labor, Effects of Machinery on, appropriation for investigating 590 Laborers, Alien Contract, temporary employment of, Atlanta Exposition 967 California Midwinter Exposition 1 Interstate Fair 224 Portland Exposition 600 Prize Winners' Exposition. 9 Laborers, Chinese, entitled to remain in United States to obtain certificates 7 deportation on failure to procure 7 definition of 8 convention prohibiting immigration of.. 1210 Lac Dye, on free list, crude, etc 341 Lac Spirits, on free list 541 Laces, duty on flax, etc. 530 wool, etc 531 silk, etc 532 on free list, of straw, etc., for hats. 538 Lacings, Shoe, Corset, etc., duty on, cotton, etc... 529 Lactarine, on free list 541 Lady Managers, World's Fair. Board of, to confer diplomas upon designers. inventors, and expert artisans. 575 Lahancka, Joseph, payment of Court of Claims judgment to 460 Lalin. on free list 545 Lake, Alonzo, payment of Court of Claims judgment to 460 Lake County, Colo.,

appropriation for fish-culture station 387 purchase of water rights, etc., for fish hatchery authorized 17 Lake Erie, engineer board to report on canal to connect Ohio River and 355

Page. Lake Superior, appropriation for waterway from Keweenaw Bay. 356 for survey of canal to connect Mississippi River and; proviso 357 preliminary examination of mouth of Iron River, Wis., to be made 369 Lake Union, Wash.. appropriation for improving waterway to Puget Sound. 360 survey, etc., of waterway from Puget Sound to be made. 948 Lake Washington, Wash.. appropriation for improving waterway to Puget Sound 360 survey, etc., of waterway from Puget Sound to be made 948 Lake Winnebagoshish Band, Pillager Indians, appropriation for fulfilling treaties with. 289 Lakeman, Joseph T., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 460 Lakes, appropriation for survey, etc., Northern and Northwestern. 405,950 Lakes, duty on, not specified. 511 Lakes, The Great, appropriation for revenue steamer 378,919 for improving channel between Chicago, Duluth, and Buffalo. 947 for commission on deep-water communication to the Atlantic 950 rules for preventing collisions on 645 steam revenue cutter for, authorized 6 Lamarche, George S., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 454 Lame, on free list 545 Lame, William R., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 460 Lampblack, duty on 510 Lampe, Alexius, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 471 Lamy, Henry B., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 460 Lancewood. on free list, rough, etc. 546 Land Court (see Court of Private Land Claims). Land Grants to Railroads, appropriation for surveying, etc.; reimbursement 395, 938 Land Grants to Railroads. Forfeited. extension of time for settlers on, to purchase. 15 Land Offices (see also Public Lands). appropriation for contingent expenses. 393, 936 Land Patents, may be engrossed, etc.. by typewriters 807 Land Serip, patents to issue for certain valid locations made by 84 Landlord and Tenant. D. C., jurisdiction of justices of the peace unchanged in, cases 671 Lands, etc.. appropriation for custody of. 390, 931 deficiency appropriation for care. etc. 426 Lands in Severalty to Indians, appropriation for surveying reservations and completing allotments.. 900 for allotting, etc. 304