Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/34

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FIFTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 9, 10. 1893. 5 CHAP. 9.-An Act To amend an act entitled "An act to provide the times and November 3, 1893. places for holding terms of United States courts in the States of Idaho and Wyo— `;“_‘;‘ ming," approved July tive, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section six of the act Idaho judicial anentitled "An act to provide the times and places for holding terms of uv`, 2, ,,3 the United States courts in the States of Idaho and Wyoming," ap- °' 'p` ' proved July ive, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, be amended to read as follows: “Sec. 6. That the terms of the district court for the district of the Toms ofcourts State of Idaho shall be held at the town oi Moscow, beginning on the Moscow. second Monday in May and the second Monday in October in each year; at Boise City, beginning on the first Monday in April and the Boise City- iirst Monday in December; at the city of Blackfoot, beginning on the Blackfoot. first Monday in March, and the second Monday in September in each year; and the provision of statute now existing for the holding of said V·>l·26·1>-217- ` courts on any day contrary to the provisions of this act is hereby repealed; and all suits, prosecutions, process, recognizances, bail bonds, and other things pending in or returnable to said court are hereby transferred to, and shall be made returnable to, and have force in the said respective terms in this act provided in the same manner and with the same effect as they would have had had said existing statute not been passed.” _ Approved, November 3, 1893. · 'M CHAP. 10.-An Act To provide for the time and place of holding the terms of the November 3, 1893. United States circuit and district courts in the State of South Dakota. "Hm Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ‘ States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of South Dakota Soqth Dakota jumshall oonstitute one judicial district. ml d"’"‘°" Sec. 2. That for the purpose of holding terms of the district court mPi~·i¤i<>¤¤ for dissaid district shall be divided into four divisions, to be known as the ° °°°"" southern, northern, central, and western divisions. The counties of S°¤**·¤*¤ •“*‘*=i•>¤- T` Clay, Union, Yankton, Turner, Lincoln, Bonhomme, Charles Mix, Douglas, Hutchinson, Brule, Aurora. Davison, Hanson, McCook, Minnehaha, Moody, Lake, Sanborn, Lyman, Miner, Gregory, Todd, Beadle and • Kingsbury, Crow Creek and Lower Brule, and the Yankton Indian Reservation shall constitute the southern division, the court for which C¤¤¤‘¢¤¤¤*i¤¤¤F¤¤¤ shall be held at the city of Sioux Falls. The counties of Brookings, Northern division. Hamlin, Deuel, Grant, Roberts, Codington, Clark, Day,Marshall, Spink, Brown, McPherson, Edmunds, Campbell, Walwoi·th, and the Sisseton and Wahpton Reservation shall constitute the northern division, the court ior which shall he held at the city of Aberdeen. The counties of 00m ¤¤ A}·•§¤¤<··>¤ Potter, Sully, Faulk,_Hand, Hyde, Hughes, Buffalo, Jerauld, Stanley, C°“°'“"*""“‘°“· Nowlin, and that portion of the counties of Pratt, Jackson, and Sterling not included in any Indian Reservation, and the Standing Rock, and Cheyenne Indian Reservations shall constitute the central division, the _ court for which shall be held at the city of Pierre. All that portion of the °°"" °° State of South Dakota lying west of the central and southern divisions, W°°‘°“‘ “"‘*"°"· and in addition thereto the Rosebud and Red Cloud Indian reservations, Shall constitute the western division, the court for which shall be held *7****** et D°=¤l"°°•* at the city of Deadwood. _ Sec. 3. That hereafter the terms of the circuit and district courts of T°“““· the United States in and for the State of South Dakota shall as fol- _. lows: At Sioux Falls on the first Tuesday in April and the third Tues :0*1* Fm day in October; at Pierre on the first Tuesday in March and October; °“’°· at Deadwood on the first Tuesday in February and September, and at D¤“"°°**· Aberdeen the first Tuesday of May and the third Tuesday of November. M>¤¤*•=¤=~