FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 299. 1894. 345 Improving harbor a_t Menominee, Michigan and Wisconsin: Continu- M~>¤1<2¤¤i¤¤¤. Mich. ing improvement, ten thousand dollars. ““‘i “ "’· Improving Cheboygan Harbor, Michigan: The Secretary of NVar is Cheboygan, Minn. hereby directed to expend the unexpended balance on hand in dredging. Dredging. He is also directed to make an estimate of the amount required to V°1·25- P· M- deepen the present channel to a depth of eighteen feet. Improving harbor at Ahnapee, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, Ahnapee, win. five thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Green Bay, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- Gr<>¤¤ Bay. Wis. ment, twenty-five thousand dollars. ~ Improving harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, K°¤°¤*¤¤· Wis nfteen thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor at Kewaunee, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- K¤iv=w¤•>¤, Wis. ment, twenty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Manitowoc, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- Manitowoc, wit. ment and maintenance, twenty thousand dollars. Improving harbor of refuge at Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Continuing Milwaukee. Wis. improvement, forty-nve thousand dollars. H‘"b°' "’ “’“‘g°· Improving harbor at Milwaukee, Wisconsin: For repairs of piers and R·>P=*i¤· M- dredging, seven thousand dollars, and including survey of the harbor · at South Milwaukee with a view to the improvement thereof. ‘ Improving harbor at Port Washington, Wisconsin: Continuing rm Washington, improvement, five thousand dollars. W'"' I Improving harbor at Racine, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, R=¤*¤¤· Wi¤- twenty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Superior Bay and Saint Louis Bay, wisconsin; L£;g°,{j°; $**1** Continuing improvement, fifty thousand dollars, a portion of ‘ which y ’ ` may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be used in dredging in Superior Bay along the dock line between the Quebec channel and the main channel opposite the base of Connor’s Point: Provided, That so QQ_?;'?- much of said sum as may be necessary may be used for the purpose of °` making a survey of said harbor with a view of deepening it to twenty feet and making estimates therefor. Improving harbor at Sheboygan, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- S*‘°"°Y€°¤· “'*¤· ment, twenty-five thousand dollars, of which the sum of four hundred and thirty-nine dollars and fifty-six cents may be paid by the Secretary of War to the C. Reiss Coal Company, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, for Dwlsinsdredging done by them in the harbor. Improving harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, A¤hm¤•l, Wis. twentyfive thousand dollars. ‘ Improving harbor at Two Rivers, Wisconsiiiz Continuing improve- Two Riv<¤¤· WM- ment, three thousand dollars. Improving harbor of refuge at Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wiscoiisiiiz For S*"'¤°"¤ BW- Wie maintenance of channel and piers, five thousand dollars. __ Improving harbor at Oconto, Wisconsin: To maintain works, three °°°“f"· “’“· thousand dollars: Provided, That so much of said sum as may be neces- QQ11g','?; M sary may be used for the purpose of making a survey and submitting ` plans and estimates for the improvement and confinement of the current in the river to maintain a standard depth of water, and to obtain a channel sixteen feet deep, and for extending the piers and for the construction of a harbor sixteen feet deep in Green Bay exterior to the river channel. - _ Improving harbor at Duluth, Minnesota, including repairs to the D‘"‘“h* M""" canal,picrs, the channel on the north shore of Saint Louis Bay and the Saint Louis River, seventy-five thousand dollars, of which an amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, may be expended in the channel of Saint Louis River _ above Grassy Point; Provided, That so innch of said sum as may be §§f,§;’;’j necessary may be used for the purpose of making a survey of said har- ‘ bor with a view of deepening it to twenty feet and making estimates thérefor. The Secretary of War is authorized to negotiate with the Billy Donation 0,. md, of Duluth for the nneonrlitiona1,donation of the land needed for said from my.