Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/42

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 10,12-14. 1893. 13 [No. 10Q Joint Resolution Fixing the qualiiications to vote and to hold office in October 17.1893. the Chero ee Outlet, Oklahoma Territory, at the iirst municipal elections. _'“*" Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all male citizens of the g‘§j’{§}}‘g;m0m_ 0, United States, above the age of twenty-one years, who are actual resi- vot.ers,i‘lrstelectiouin dents on the twenty-first day of October, eighteen hundred and ninety- °"1‘?·¥,‘}}$‘;f @¥"'“ three, and have been such residents for thirty days prior thereto, of that portion of Oklahoma Territory opened to settlement by proclamation of the President, September sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, known as the Cherokee Outlet, shall be entitled to vote and to hold office at the first municipal elections held in said Cherokee Outlet for the organization of city, village, and town governments. Approved, October 17, 1893. [No. 12.] Joint Resolution That the acknowledgments of the Government and 0¤*°b•¥¤»189°*· peonle of the United _States be tendered to Yamous foreign governments of the i'""'; ` wor d who have participated in commemoration of the discovery of America by Chri stopher Columbus. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, (1) That it is the sense of X}[}j;;]fd°;'i°ut. Congress that the acknowledgments of the government and people m countries pumof the United States, be tendered to the various foreign governments *’“““g‘ of the world, who have so generously and effectively cooperated in" the Quadri-centennial Exposition held in Chicago, in commemoration X of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. _ (2) That the President of the United States be requested to com- b;I;ré*:i*j,°°*:{:,g*;_%§ muuicate to each foreign government that has participated in said sum. Exposition the acknowledgment of Congress for its contribution. . Approved, October 28, 1893. . [No. 13.] Joint Resolution For the reporting, marking, and removal of derelicts. 0°*°b°’ 3L lm- Resolved, by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the A}{;Q}f,°§,“cj:¤_N”“ United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to make with the several xmmuoun asm governments interested in the navigation of the North Atlantic Ocean ‘,§‘,§ff°,,£§§ ,§°,f.,‘}`{{'Q§$ an international agreement providing for the reporting, marking, and removal of dangerous wrecks, derelicts, and other menaces to navigation in the North Atlantic Ocean outside the coast waters of the respective countries bordering thereon. Approved, October 31, 1803. [No. 14.] Joint Resolution To amend the act approved April twc1itv—fifth, N°'°¤"°'3· Im eighteen bundred and ninety, relating to the admission of articles intended for the """"`___ World’s Columbian Exposition. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Uvngreas assembled, That the act approved April §‘}{‘{§f§’;“§,°{{l§$}T§?; twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled “An act to provide F¤rf¤r.¤>1¤¤¤¤¤ fm for celebrating the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of d""` America by Christopher Columbus by holding an international exbibi- V°*· 2°· P- ””· tion of arts, industries, manufactures, and the product of the soil, mine, and sea, in the City of Chicago, in the State of Illinois,” be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to permit. That all foreign exhibits at such Fair acquired by contribution or purchase by the Columbian Museum of Chicago for its own use, shall be wholly released trom all customs duties. Approved, November 3, 1893.