Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/588

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. Il. C11. 349. 1894. 559 entries relating to the business of such person, or any other person he may deem proper, to appear before him and produce such books, at a time and place named in the summons, and to give testimony or answer interrogatories, under oath, respecting any objects liable to tax or the returns thereotl The collector may summon any person residing or found within the State- in which his district lies; and when the person intended to be summoned does not reside and can not be found within such State, he may enter any collection district where such person may be found, and there make the examination herein authorized. And to this end he may there exercise all the authority which he mmht lawfully exercise in the district for which "he was commissione . " Sec. 3176. When any person, corporation, company, or association nlietmlljy ¤>v¤¤¤• refuses or neglects to render any return or list required by law, or Zr§..°{J$`.i. "°°°‘°°°°' renders a false or fraudulent return or list, the collector or any deputy R-S-. wc. 3176.p.¤10. collector shall make, according to the best intbrmation which he can °"‘°”d°°‘ obtain, including that derived from the evidence elicited by the examinatiou of the collector, and on his own view and information, such list or return, according to the form prescribed, of the income, property, and objects liable to tax owned or possessed or under the care or management of such person, or corporation, company, or association and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shaH assess all taxes not paid by stamps, including the amount, if any, due for special tax, income or other tax, and in case of any return of a false or fraud- Additiun {0,. ,-,,,,,1. nlent list or valuation intentionally he shall add one hundred per ¤1¤¤* IM- centnm to such tax; and in case of a refusal or neglect, except in cases xaanm for mma of sickness or absence, to make a list or return, or to verify the same °' ”"gI°°‘· as aforesaid, he shall add fifty per centum to such tax. In case of Sak,,.,,.,, 8b,,,,.,., neglect occasioned by sickness or absence as aforesaid the collector may allow such further time for making and delivering such list or return as he may deem necessary, not exceeding thirty day . The c¤nmm or emiamount so added to the tax shall be collected at the same time and in *‘°’“* ‘“· the same manner as the tax unless the neglect or falsity is discovered after the tax has been paid, in which case the amount so added shall be _ collected in the same manner as the tax; and the list or return so made and subscribed by such collector or deputy collector shall be held prima facie good and sumcient for all legal purposes." Sec. 35. That every corporation, company, or association doing busi- A¤¤¤a1 r¤¢¤¤;¤ fry; ness for profit shall make and render to the collector of its collection Y§Q'°°R..°fS'.Z E":..} district, on or before the lirst Monday of March in every year, begin- P*°“'· ning with the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, a full return, "°“·¤°"· veriiied by oath or athrmation, in such form as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may prescribe, of all the following matters for the whole calendar year last preceding the date of such return: First. The gross profits of such corporation, company, or association. "°'**°”*'· from all kinds of business of every name and nature. Second. The expenses of such corporation, company, or association, exclusive of interest, annuities, and dividends. Third. The net proiits of such corporation, company, or association, without allowance tbr interest, annuities, or dividends. Fourth. The amount paid on account of interest, annuities, and dividends, stated separately. Fifth. The amount paid in salaries of four thousand dollars or less to each person employed. Sixth. The amount paid in salaries of more than four thousand dollars to each person employed and the name and address of each of such P¤¢¢»1>-W1. persons and the amount paid to each. Sec. 36. That it shall be the duty of every corporation, company, or c0Bq,°§§{,§j§,§’f’§§,l’* by association doing business for profit to keep full, regular, and accurate books of account, upon which all its transactions shall be entered irom day to day, in regular order, and whenever a collector or deputy col- 1¤¤p¤¤¢i¤¤· lector of the district in which any corporation, company, or association