FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 31, 32. 1894. 585 Wliereas at the time the United States was acquiring title to the square bounded by Calvert, Lexington, North, and Fayette streets in Baltimore city, for the purpose of erecting thereon a Government building to contain the post-office and the United States circuit and district courts, the mayor and city council of Baltimore made a gift to the United States of two lots of ground forming part of the said square, valued at over fifty thousand dollars: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That full permission be, and the same g{·_l*i¤¤<¤¤· Mdis hereby, granted to the State of Maryland and to the several State may ¤t°ii°¤`Si iisigz courts within the city of Baltimore to occupy the said old United States °°“"°· court-house building for the period of live years from the time such occupation shall begin, for the purpose of holding the sessions of said courts therein, and that during said period concurrent jurisdiction, so far as is necessary, over said property be, and the same is hereby, ceded to the State of Maryland for said purpose, so that the sessions of said courts in said old courthouse building may be during said period fully legalized: Provided however, That said building shall be grvvirvkept in good repair, and be insured to a reasonable amount for the W""' °t°` beneiit of the United States, all at the expense of the State of Mary- land, and that said building shall at the end of the period of live years be returned to the United States, by the said State of Maryland. in as good condition as at the time it was received by the said State of Maryland. And it is further resolved that the Act of Congress approved July $*3 §§*";j"§§,_ ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety, providing for the sale of said build- ' ing, be suspended for and during said term of live years. Approved, June 22, 1894. [No. 32.] Joint Resolution To provide temporarily for the expenditures of the J¤¤° 2*% 1894- Government. il ""`*" Resolred by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all appropriations for the neces- Appmpriarious for sary operations of the Government, and of the District of Columbia, H,}§d§§*,§€f?#,i§‘$§§§Z and for the payment of pensions, under existing laws, which shall 1•>¤¤1>r<>vi¤¤51yi¤¤d¤· remain unprovided for on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, be, and they are hereby, continued and made available for a period of thirty days from and after that date, unless the regular appropriations provided therefor in bills now pending in Congress shall have been previously made for the service of the fiscal year ending June rhirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninetyfive; and a sufficient l’•>·*·P¤·°8°·5*"-°°"·r amount is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry on the same: Provided, That no Iijrvvwv- t t greater amount shall be expended for such operations than will be in ,,,,..,§{]}f,°' i""' ° the same proportion to the appropriations for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-tbur as thirty days’ time bears to the whole of said fiscal year: Provided further, That the total expenditures for the whole of Hts! eggrpdifure the tiscal year eighteen hundred and ninetyfive, under the several appro- ;{’,,,,{T;§§'.]`,T,`,,_ '"' W priations hereby continued, and under the several appropriation bills now pending, shall not exceed in the aggregate the amounts finally appropriated therefor in the several bills now pending, except in cases where a change is made in the annual, monthly, or per diem compensation, or in the numbers of officers, clerks, or other persons authorized to be employed by the several appropriations hereby continued, in which cases the amounts authorized to be expended shall equal thirty three hundred and sixty-fifths of the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and three hundred and thirty-five three hundred and sixty-fifths of the appropriations contained in the several bills now pending when the same shall have been finally passed,