FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 23. 1895. 6]] upon such plan as shall be approved by the Joint Committee on Printing; and the Public Printer shall, immediately upon its publication, deliver to him a copy of each and every document printed by the Government Printing Office; and the head of each of the Executive Departments, bureaus, and offices of the Government shall deliver to him a copy of each and every document issued or published by such Department, bureau, or office not coniidential in its character. He shall also prepare and print in one volume a consolidated index of Congressional documents, and shall index such single volumes of documents as the Joint Committee on Printing shall direct. Of the comprehensive Di¤¤rib¤*¤i¤>¤» index and of the consolidated index two thousand copies each shall be printed and bound in addition to the usual number, two hundred copies for the use of the Senate, eight hundred copies for the use of the House, and one thousand copies for distribution by the superintendent of documents. - Sec. 63. The Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate and the Di¤¢ril>¤¤<>¤ ¤f dw- Clerk and Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives shall cause an X5"iR,°?;$X,f’" }"""1 invoice to be made of all public documents stored in and about the Capitol, other than those belonging to the quota of members of the present Congress, to the Library of Congress and the Senate and House Libraries and document rooms, and all such documents shall by the superintendents, respectively, of the Senate and House folding rooms be put to the credit of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates of the present.Congress, in quantities equal in the number of volumes and as nearly as possible in value, to each member of Congress, and said documents shall be distributed upon the orders of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates, each of whom shall be supplied by the superintendents of the folding rooms with a list of the number and character of the publications thus put to his credit: Provided, That §M*f•>•,0 . before said apportionment is made copies of any of these documents ...,2pPy °°""""" desired for the use of committees of the Senate or House shall be delivered to the chairmen of such committees: And provided further, m§;:__•¤‘*’¤ M *¤¤•=*· That four copies of each and all leather-bound documents shall be reserved and carefully stored, to be used hereafter in supplying deficiencies in the Senate and House Libraries caused by wear or loss, and a similar invoice shall be prepared and distribution made as above provided at the convening in regular session of each successive Congress. Sec. 64. Upon the appointment of the superintendent of documents, d}gg§g*§mf as hereinbefore provided, the office of the superintendent of documents m»..a._ - in the Department of the Interior shall be, and is hereby, abolished, ‘°“· and all laws now in force providing for the delivery to the Department R- S-· ¤¤¤¤- M-¤¤•. of the Interior of public documents for distribution, other than such as ¥§,°,E,,'§{;§f"°°“' P' are for the use of that Department, shall be, and the same are hereby, _ repealed: Provided, That the distribution of the reports of the Eleventh {,’;'j},’{’;,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,_ Census shall be continued and completed by the superintendent of documents, under existing laws and regulations. Sec. 65. All official correspondence of the superintendent of docu- b,°,*,§§,’,§’§§‘}§f‘°° *° ments and all replies to the same shall be entitled to free transmission _ by mail; and he shall be entitled to (rank public documents; Provided, {,`,§;‘j‘11,‘;;,1,u,,_ That in the transmission of such mail matter envelopes, labels, or postal cards are used on which the name of the office and the penalty clause are printed. _ ts umn Sec. 66. The Public Printer is hereby authorized and directed, upon ,,,£°°"`°°° ’ ' the requisition of the superintendent of documents, to appoint such assistants as may be necessary, and furnish such blanks and to do such printing and binding as are required by his office, the cost of the same tobecharged against the appropriation for printing and binding for Congress, and the Public Printer shall provide convenient office, storage, and distributing rooms for the use of the superintendent of documents. _ d { d SEO. 67. All documents at present remaining in charge of the several ,,,g,‘{f’",§,,,,,,{’,,;,t,{',°g'}' Executive Departments, bureaus, and offices of the G0Vemm0¤l? 1105 required for oillcial use shall be delivered to the superintendimt of