Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/734

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 162. 1895. 705 For purchase and manufacture of carriages for mounting steel C=¤¤i¤s¤¤· - breech-loading seacoast guns of eight, ten, and twelve inch caliber, one hundred thousand dollars. _ · For eight, ten, and twelve inch guns manufactured by contract under Qoumgct gunsthe provisions of the fortifications Acts approved August eighteenth, `°1‘ 2°‘ ”‘ **19* m" eighteen hundred and ninety, and February twenty-lburth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, fifty thousand dollars. For steel field guns of three and two-tenths inch caliber, twenty-tive SM1 Held gunsthousand dollars. For carriages for lield-gun batteries, sixty-one thousand dollars. C“’***g°¤- For steel field mortars of three and six—tenths inch caliber, eight Mm¤¤¤· thousand dollars. For carriages and platforms for steel field mortars of three and six- 0¤¤i¤e¤¤. owtenths inch caliber, two thousand tbur hundred and sixty dollars. For alteration of existing carriages for ten-inch and fifteen-inch Al¤¤¤i¤s ¤¤¤i¤s¤¤- smoothbore guns to adapt them to present service conditions, twenty- five thousand dollars. _ For sights for cannon, and for fuses, six thousand three hundred and S‘€"“’ *““* *“”°°- iift dollars. ger inspecting instruments, gauges, and templets for the manufac- mg;g>¤§g¤s i¤¤*¤1- ture of cannon, one thousand five hundred dollars.' For powder for issue to service, twenty thousand dollars. , Qgwder and pro- For projectiles for issue to the service, twenty thousand dollars. J°° °°' . For powders and projectiles for the proof of eight-inch, ten-inch, and twelve—inch guns, thirty thousand dollars. For steel deck-piercing shells for twelve—inch breech-loading mortars, Sw¤1¤1¤•>11¤- thirty thousand dollars. For purchase and erection of steel plates for the test of deck-piercing P*¤°¤¤ *0* *¤¤¢¤- shells, twelve thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For steel armor-piercin g shot for seacoast breech-loadin g guns, thirty SM1 Shotthousand dollars. . For purchase and erection of armor plates for testing armor-piercing taggmof I>l¤*¤¤ M shot, fifteen thousand dollars. . ' To provide for payments that will become due during the fiscal years W=w>rv¤¤¤Ar¤e¤¤1. eighteen hundred and ninety-Eve and eighteen hundred and ninety-six T°°1s‘°t°‘ on contracts which have been made pursuant to Acts of Congress, and for which appropriations have not been made, and to provide for pay- ments that may become due in the purchase or manufacture of machine tools and lixtures to complete the equipment of the south wing of the Army Gun Factory, Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, New York; steel breechloading rfiled seacoast mortars of twelveinch caliber; oil- M°"“‘"“· tempered and annealed steel for high-power coast-defense guns of eight, S’°°‘ *`°’ 8*****- ten, and twelve inch caliber; carriages for breech- loading ritled inortars Cmi¤H°¤· of twelve-inch caliber; and carriages for mounting new steel breechloading eight, ten, and twelve inch guns, procured under the provisions of the fortifications Act approved July twenty-third, eighteen hundred V¤1-2’7.ri>-259·460- and ninety-two, said payments being in excess of the moneys appropriated by said Act and by the Acts approved February eighteenth, Am ,,1, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and August first, eighteen hundred 'p`” ` and ninety-lour, tbr these objects, one hundred and thirty-three thou- _ sand six hundred dollars: Provided, That the total amount expended {,°f,‘j,'}f°· for each of these said objects shall not exceed the amount specified there for in the Act of July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. To provide for payments that may become due in the purchase or f,,E§§°é,,f,°QT °°”t d°` manufacture of oil-tempered and annealed steel for high-power coastdefense guns of eight-inch, ten-inch, and twelve-inch caliber; carriages €¤¤i¤z¤¤· for breech-loadiu g rifled mortars of twelve—inch caliber; and carriages for mounting new steel breech-loadin g eight-inch, ten-inch, and twelveinch guns, procured under the provisions of the fortifications Act v01,2v, p.4so. approved February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, said payments being in excess of the money therein appropriated for these 9 objects by said Act and by the fortifications Act approved August first, ‘*""· p' *1* S'l‘AT—VOL xxviii--15