Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/802

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 177. 1895. 773 DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Derwmmrofswu. For compensation of the Secretary of State, eight thousand dollars; Afsggmgfs Sgjijgry- Assistant Secretary, four thousand nve hundred dollars; Second and em.°’ Third Assistant Secretaries, at three thousand hve hundred dollars each; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; for six chiefs of bureaus and one translator, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; private secretary to the Secretary, two thousand dollars; eleven clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; seven clerks of class two; one clerk of class two, for indexing records, one thousand tour hundred dollars; sixteen clerks of class one, one of whom is to be a telegraph operator; ive clerks, at one thousand dollars each; eight clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; three assistant messengers; one packer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; ten laborers; in all, one hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. For stationery, furniture, fixtures, and repairs, and for the purchase S*·•*=1<>¤¤rsn owof passport paper, five thousand dollars. For books and maps, and books for the library, two thousand dollars. B°°*¤· °°°· For services of lithographer and necessary materials for the litho· ri¤=¤r.·r=~1>b¤r.¤*¤- graphic press, one thousand two hundred dollars. ` For contingent expenses, namely: For care and subsistence of horses, C°¤*i¤8°¤°°*P°¤=°·· to be used only for official purposes, and repairs of wagons, carriage, and harness, rent of stable and wagon shed, care of clocks, telegraphic and electric apparatus, and repairs to the same, and for miscellaneous items not including the foregoing; in aH, three thousand dollars. For expenses of editing and distributing the laws enacted during the Editing- °°°·· i·'¤· third session of the Fifty-third Congress, three thousand dollars, to be immediately available. · For expenses of editing and distributing the Statutes at Large of the Editing. ¤¢¤-. Sum Fifty-third Congress, one thousand doHars, to be immediately available_ °t°° °°I""°' TREASURY DEPARTMENT. m;`1¤;>¤¤¤ry D¤P¤i'*· Orrrcn or run Sncnncunr: For compensation of the Secretary A§_’;g’,_g{, Sg‘{*jgi'g'· of the Treasury, eight thousand dollars; three Assistant Secretaries sm. ‘ ' of the Treasury, at four thousand five hundred dollars each; clerk to the Secretary, two thousand four hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three private secretaries,one to each Assistant Secretary, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; Government actuary, under the control of the Treasury Department, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class one; one copyistfour messengers; four assistant messengers; in all, forty-one thousand two hundred and forty dollars. ' Office of chief clerk and superintendent: For chief clerk, including _,,,?“*°' °'°"‘· °i°’°‘°· three hundred dollars as superintendent of Treasury building, three I thousand dollars; assistant superintendent of Treasury building, two thousand one hundred dollars; one inspector of electric-light plants, gas, and fixtures for all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, one thousand nine hundred dollars; four clerks of class tour; additional to one clerk of class four as bookkeeper, one hundred dollars; two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; one messenger; two assistant messengers; one storekeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; one telegraph operator, one thousand two hundred . dollars; one chief engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one E¤si¤¤¤r.¤¤¤~ assistant engineer, one thousand dollars; two assistant engineers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three elevator conductors, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one locksmith, one thousand · two hundred dollars; three firemen; ive firemen, at six hundred and SlXtY dollars each; one coal passer, five hundred dollars; 0118 captain W°*°i“¤*’¤· of the watch, one thousand four hundred dollars; two lieutenants of the watch, at nine hundred dollars each; iiity-eight watchman: six