FIFTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. lII. Ch. 186. 1895. 833 five thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and seventy-four dollars. ‘ DRY Doox, PUGET SOUND NAVAL STATION, WASHINGTON: For f,jg‘Q0§;“¤*‘· continuation of dry dock, dredging, office building, and oiIicers’ quar- y ` ters, to be made immediately available, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. NAVAL STATION, KEY WEST, FLoRIDA: For purchase of additional my Wm lot for coal shed (twenty thousand dollars, or so much as may be necessary), twenty thousand dollars; coaling pier, forty thousand dollars; in all, sixty thousand dollars. NAVAL ACADEMY. N¤v¤1A¤¤d¤n=y· Fon BUILDINGS AND eRoUNDs, NAVAL ACADEMY: For continuing sgggg; gg; the grading and improvement of the property condemned under Act.` ' making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and the adjacent ground, and for the improvement of the water front of the Academy, to be immediately available, ten thousand dollars.- _ NEW NAVAL o1ssERvAroRr. N"“°"“°*"“*°’Y· I•`0R GROUNDS AND ROADS: For ·continuing grading, extending G’°“”d° ml '°*‘*°~ roads and paths, clearing and improving grounds of New Naval Observatory, and filling ravine contiguous to boiler house to Massachusetts avenue extended, twelve thousand dollars; _ _ NEW BUILDINGS: For quarters for observers, two buildings, at five B‘“m“'$°· thousand dollars each, ten thousand dollars; ` In all, for New Naval Observatory, twenty-two thousand dollars. BUREAU or- MEDICINE AND SURGERY. ¤£°§°£§s$§.M°mm° DIEDICAL DEPARTMENT: For surgeons’ necessaries for vessels in w§‘;g°°’*°’ ¤°°°°· commission, navy-yards, naval stations, Marine Corps, and Coast Sur- ` vey, and for the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, navy-yards, naval laboratory, and Naval Academy, sixty thousand dollars. ’ _ NAVAL HOSPITAL FUND: For maintenance of the naval hospitals at H°°P*°°* *`“”"· the various navy-yards and stations, and for care and maintenance of patients in other hospitals at home and abroad,twenty thousand dollars. CONTINGENT, BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY: For freight, Contingent expressage on medical stores, tolls, ferriages, transportation of sick to hospital, transportation of insane patients; care, transportation, and burial of the dead, including the expense of disinterring, transportation, and burial at his late home in Cherokee, Iowa, of the remains of W. },v,.;§é,},‘;“§,"§,{’,;, N A. Lathrop, an apprentice, who died in the service of the United States mninn steamer Concord, at Wuhu, China; advertising; telegraphing; rent of telephones; purchase of books and stationery; binding of medical records, unbound books, and pamphlets; postage and purchase of stamps ibr foreign service; expenses attending the medical board of examiners; rent of rooms for naval dispensary; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration; sanitary and hygienic instruction; purchase and repairs of wagons and harness; purchase of and feed for horses and cows; trees, plants, garden tools, and seeds; furniture and incidental articles for the museum of hygiene, naval dispensary, Washington; naval laboratory, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, surgeons’offices and dispensaries at navy-yards and naval stations ; washing for medical department at museum of hygiene, naval dispensary,YVashington ; naval laboratory and department of instruction, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, dispensaries at navy- yards and naval stations and ships and rendezvous; buildings and grounds of the United States Naval Museum of Hygiene, and for minor repairs on said buildings and grounds as may be required to properly STAT-VOL XX¥'III;—53