Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/97

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68 FIFTY-THI RD CONGRESS. Suss. II. Ons. 66, 67. 1894. wgfgfghj ¤“**'¤*¥ Sec. 5. That the district attorney and marshal of said eastern dis- 'trict of Michigan shall respectively perform the respective dnties of district attorney and marshal for the southern and northern divisions ntpmy ¤•.»1. of said district as established by this Act. The marshal of said district shall keep an ofltlce of deputy marshal at Bay City in the northern division of said district, and mileage on service of process m said northern division shall be computed from Bay City. ci-i¤¤...i w.,..-.7... Sec. 6. That any person charged with violating any of the penal or ‘*°" criminal statutes of the United States in which said eircnit or district courts have jurisdiction shall be proceeded against by indictment or · otherwise within the division of said district where the alleged oiiense or offenses shall be committed, and shall have his or her trial at a term of said court held in said division, unless, for cause shown, the _;,,,i,,_ judge shall otherwise direct; and one grand and one petit jury only shall be summoned, and servo in both said courts at each term thereof; jurors shall be selected and drawn from the division of said district in which they reside and in which the terms of said circuit and district courts to which they are summoned are held. P€"‘“"‘ °‘“‘”"" SEO. 7. That this Act shall not affect or in anywise interfere with causes of action now pending in the circuit or district courts for the eastern district of Michigan, but the same may be proceeded with in the same manner as though this Act had not been passed. g,,m.i_ Sec. 8. That all provisions of laws in conflict with this Aot are hereby repealed. Approved, April 30, 1894. lh); L 18,* CHAP. 67.—·—An Act T0 authorize the Saint Louis River Bridge Company ancl the ...;·»——-- Duluth Transfer Railway Company to construct, msmtain, and operate a bridge over the Saint Louis River from a. point at or near Gmssy Point, in the village of Went Duluth, Minnesota, to the most available point opposite, in the State of Wis· CODBID. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House ofRop¢·eso1ztatrives of the United sam Louis mm- States of Ameriou in Congress assembled, That the Saint Louis River f,§§§‘{\.€§a",}s’g‘{YR’_L'§{{ Bridge Company, a corporation: organized and existing under the laws way Conqpqmy El ¤y of the State of \Visc0usin, and the Duluth Transfer Railway Company, ihiii? uiiiiguniiiin. a corporation created, organized, and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, and their respective successors in interest be, and are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge, with the approaches thereto, over the Saint Louis River, between the States of Minnesota and W’iSOODSlD,BXtClldlllgh'0lI\ or near Grassy Point, V\’est Duluth, in the State of Minnesota, to the most available point opposite in the city of Superior, in the county of Douglas, and State of \Viseonsin. Said bridge shall be constructed to provide for the passage of cars, locomotives, and trains of railway companies and shall have laid thereon and thereover railroad tracks for the more perfect connection of any railroads that are or may be coustrnctecl to said bridge, or the place of its location, to the end that interchange of tratiic may be encouraged and interstate commerce promoted and facilitated; and the same shall be so built as to provide for i_i _§··1;:i;;_»··:····¤··¤ and permit of the passage thereover of the oars and rolling stock of " street railway companies, wagons, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, animals, foot passengers, and travelers under such reasonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the said companies authorized hereby to construct the same, or their successors in interest, and tor mi. such reasonable rates of toll as may be iixed by said companies, to be p,,,,;,,,_ approved from time to time by the Secretary of War: Provided, however, 1**** P”*°¢*- That said bridge and its approaches shall be made free of tolls to wagons, teams, foot passeu gers, and street railways at the end of twenty years from the passage of this Act if not made free before the end of sai: time.