Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1013

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990 INDEX. Prunes, Page Public Buildings and Grounds, D. C., Page distillers of brandy from, exempt from gen- appropriation for clerk, gardener, etc. . 163, o62 ern] spirit reguliitions _ _____________ 195 {br gvgrsgerg laborers, watghmen, e13e_ 1637 ;;62 Public Buildings, for watchmen, monument at \\ akeheld, appropriation for Allegheny, Pa .. . -. . 413 Va .. . . . . 164, 563 for Boise City, ldaho ,... . . . . . . . 414 for contingent expenses .. 164, 563 for Butfalo, N, Y., additional ... 414 for additional pay, orlicer in charge 612 for <,‘a,mden, X. J ,,,. . - , , .,..,, , ,,,_ 414 for purchase of death place of Abraham ibr C]_ieyeuue,“`y0_ ,_,___.._.,, .-. , {14 Lincoln .. --. -- - --· 439 im- lieiiilwooil, S, Imk ___,___,._ 114 for improvement of grounds, etc. .. 439 for Detroit, Mig]; _,__________, , , ___,____ 11-1 . maximum for asphalt, etc., pavements. 439 for Fort Monroe, Ya., post-office --- . 414 forrepairs, fuel, etc., ExecutiveMansion. 440 an- mists, nom;. .. . . . . 414 for lighting; maximum - .- - 440 for Kaiisas City, M0 - - .. 414 i electric lights; in p1`1I101pi11 p3·I‘kB .-- . 440 for Little Rock, Ark ._. r 414 , for repair of water pipes .. . 440 mr Sioux Falls, S. bake . . -. 414 I for telegraph, Capitol to Departments ibr Los Angeles, Cal ..._..._ 414 g and Printing Office . 440 for Martinsburg, \V.Va . 414 i for Washington Monument .. . .. 440 ibr Xewark, N. J .,.,,...,., 414 i Public Domain (see Public Lands). for New York, appraisers’ warehouse 415 Public Lands (sec also General Land Office), for Omaha, Xebr ... 415 i appropriation for special inspector .. 167, 566 for Saint Albans, Vt 415 for expenses special inspector . 167, 567 for Saint Paul, Minn ... 415 I forCommissioner, assistant, clerks, etc- 168, 567 for Savannah, Ga - . . . .. . - . . 415 for surveyors-general and their clerks. 172, 571 for Salt Lake City, Utah. .. . . .. 415 for registers and receivers ...1.. -- . . 433 for Sioux City, Iowa .. . . ... 415 for contingent expenses .. . . 433 for \Vashingt0n, post-ohice . 415 for depositing moneys .. . . . . 433 for \Vashington, Treasury buildings 415 l for expenses, timber depredations .. 433 for repairs, etc - 415 # forprotectiug, from fraudulent entry, etc. 433 for alterations, etc. , New York post- for swamp-land claims .. . - . 433 office . - .. . . 415 for hearings in land entries . - . .. 433 for heating, etc., apparatus . 416 for reproducing plats .. 433 lor vaults, safes, and locks. . . ... 417 for transcripts of records. . . - .. . 433 for plans, etc . ... . . .--- 417 I for surveying - . .--. 434 for assistant custodians and janitors 430 preferences .. . - . . .. . . 434 iixr inspector of furniture, etc. . . 430 for survey, private land claims . 434 for furniture and repairs . - . 430 for survey, etc., abandoned military resfor fuel, lights, and water .. ---- 430 ervations .. . . . . 434 dcticiencv appro riation for furniture, lien on reclaimed arid lands .. 434 Chicago, Ill?, temporary building---- 19 [ patents to issue when ditch in operafor furniture and repairs .. - . .. . 269tion . .. -.. . 435 for fuel, lights, and water . .. . 269, 306 i Sibley Island leased to Bismarck, N. for Louisville, Ky., sale. .. . . 275 1 Dak . . . 435 for Philadelphia p0st—0tIi<·e .. -.. 275 deficiency appropriation for surveying 23, for Denver, Colo ... 276 5 309, 312 for New York, appraisers' warehouse 276 3 lor examining desert lands .. . .. 290 for New Orleans, Lu., marine hospital. . . 270 , for survey iug, California . . . . . .. 290 for assistant custodians, etc .. . . 306 ; for surveyor-general, Montana . 290 for heating apparatus . . 306 for reproducing plats .. . . .. ‘ 291 lor repairs, ctc . 306 1hr deputy surveyors ... 291 for Colunxlms, Ga .. ... . 480 for George T. Simpson and Louis Shaw. 291 bronze tablet to be placed in, Detroit, for Oscar Sonnekalh ...,.. . 291 Mich .. . ... 476 for Richard S. Fuller . ...,,. 291. change in construction authorized, Bloom- for Philip M. téallsher . . . . . . 291 ingtou, Ill. . ... 463 for re ister and receiver, Little Rock, Mankato, Minn .. .. 461 V Ari. . ..._..,,,,,__,________ 291 construction of penitentiary authorized at for receivers .__,,_____ _ ________________ 312 Leavenworth, Kaus 380 abandoned part of Fort Assinniboine Resemployment of special architect author- `ervation opened to homestead entry, ized for Chicago. lll., new build- etc .,,. . _.,____,_ _ _________ _ ___ ____ 95 ing .. . . 462 . Fort Lewis, Colo .. , ,,____ ____ ______ 123 Hall of Records, \Vashingt0n, 1). C., plan actual residence not required of purchasers to be S¥\1¤¤1lTi€‘¤l ---·-- . .--.- · - - - --.. 415 On forfeited railroad grants . 4 limit of cost increased, Boise City, Idaho- 414 additional time granted Halvor K. Omlie Camden, X. J .. 414 to pay for entry ______ ____ _________ T10 Cheyenne. \V}‘0 . . .. . ... 414 alien ownersb ip prohibition iii Territories, 618 Htilvnal. 3i0H1P -..-.----.-.-. 414 Cash graduation entries confirmed ,,._.,.. 507 Kansas City. M0 .. . ... . ... - 414 certain cash entries iii _~\l;i,bnmn., Missis- Savanuuh, Us . . - . . . 415 sippi, and Arkansas confirmed .. 90 \Vushington, I). C., post-office .. 415 cou firmation of titles, Arredondo grant, space adjoining, Newport, Ky., reduced.- 483 florida ____ __ ____________ __ _,_____, 137 use of, Harrisonburg, \`a.,for State courts commutation of homestead entries prepermitted .. . . . 475 maturely made, eoniirmed _,_,_..,,_ 197 Jefferson ( ‘ity, Mo., by county courts for commutatious may be made in fourteen one year. .. .-. . . . . . 466 months from settlement ______ . ,___, 197 Scranton, Pa., by State courts per- district created, Flathead, Montana .. . 602 mitliéil -. . . . ... . 459 entry of, Greer County, Okla ___,_,_..,,,, 490 \\'iliiamsport, Pa., for State courts per- forest reservations. Colorado, opened to Luliiwl ------ - . .-·. . · ··.---...·-~--. 459 mining claims for precious metals. . . 11