Territories Continued. escheat proceedings for lands of aliens; sale, eto disposal of proceeds; unclaimed balance to school fund to vacate if citizenship applied for. act not applicable to District of Columbia. nor to public-land laws punishment for prize fighting, etc.. Test, Francis W., deficiency appropriation for widow, Ford's Theater disaster Testing Machine, Watertown Arsenal, Mass., appropriation for expense Teton Forest Reservation, Wyo., proclamation setting apart Texarkana and Fort Smith Railway Company, bridge across Red River, above Fulton, Ark., approved Sulphur River, Ark., by, approved Texarkana, Ark., terms of court Texas, transfer of Greer County to Oklahoma. lands in, deeded to San Felipe Manufac- turing, etc., Company. Tezas Eastern Judicial District, new division constituted. terms, Beaumont. Texas Northern Judicial District, terms of court return of process, etc terms at Graham abolished Thames River, Conn., appropriation for improvement of. for lighting... Thanksgiving Day, proclamation designating Thursday, No- vember 28, 1895, as.. designating November 26, 1896, as.. Thayer, John M., pension Third Assistant Postmaster-General, appropriation for, clerks, etc. for postal service, office of.. Thomas, Cyrus, pension increased. Thomas, G. W., deficiency appropriation for. Thomas, H. C., deficiency appropriation for, Ford's Thea- ter disaster. Thomas, John H., deficiency appropriation for, Ford's Thea- ter disaster. "Thomas S. Falck," Barge, granted American register, and name changed to "Black Diamond" Thompson, Annie (widow), pension increased.. Thompson, Cyrus W., deficiency appropriation for contested elec- tion expenses.... Thompson, Mary C. (widow), pension increased. Thompson, Rhoda Augusta (daughter), pension. Thompson, Wilson H., deficiency appropriation for, Ford's Thea- ter disaster. Thornhill, French W., pension increased. Thornton, Henry F., pension increased. Thorp. R. T., deficiency appropriation for contested elec- tion expenses. Thorp, Thomas J., pension increased. STAT L-VOL 29- -64 INDEX. Page. 1009 Page. "Three Brothers," Bark, 619 American register granted to "Minde" and name changed to.. 5 Three Rivers, 619 appropriation for consul at... 35, 587 619 Tickfaw River, La., 619 appropriation for improvement of ........ 222 Tientain, 619 5 appropriation for consul at.. 33, 584 Tillamook Bay and Bar, Oreg., appropriation for improvement of 214 274 Tillamook Bay, Oreg., 242 438 survey of, directed Tilton, N. H., 906 condemned cannon, etc., donated State Sol- diers' Home. 136 Timber Culture, Public Lands, 492 final proof may be made before court offi- cers 43 513 Timber Depredations, appropriation for preventing, etc 433 591 Tobacco, 113 ! appropriation for expenses, inspection of exported.. 156, 555 126 purchase of, for the Navy; advertisement, eto 370 Togus, Me., 516 516 appropriation for expenses Volunteer Sol- diers' Home. 446 Tokyo, Japan, 456 30 456 appropriation for rent of buildings.. deficiency appropriation for purchase of buildings 457 18 Toledo, Ohio, 216 210 419 appropriation for improvement of harbor. Tollett, Daniel T., 821 pension Tomah, Wis., 871 348 882 appropriation for Indian school Tombigbee River, Ala., 715 appropriation for improvement of, from mouth.... 221 Tombigbee River, Ala. and Miss., 174,573 316, 647 appropriation for improvement of, from Demopolis to Columbus. 221 Tombigbee River, Miss., 752 appropriation for improvement of, from Fulton to Columbus.. 221 301 221 from Walkers Bridge to Fulton.. Tonawanda, N. Y., 206 274 appropriation for improvement of harbor. Tonga, 584 appropriation for consul-general at....... Tongue River Agency, Mont., 274 323 appropriation for Indian agent at...... Tonkawa Indians, Okla., 511 appropriation for support, etc., of.. Tonnage Duty, 783 proclamation revoking suspension of, on vessels from Germany. 884 Tonnage Tax, 303 511 exemption of yachts of foreign clubs from. not extended to yachts owned, etc., by citizens... 763 511 foreign-built yachts owned, etc., by citi- zens, to pay. 754 511 Topographer, Post-Office Department, appropriation for, draftsmen, etc. 175, 574 175, 574 274 for rent.... for post-route maps, sales Toronto, 176, 575 729 appropriation for consul at.. for clerk hire 34,586 36,588 812 Torpedo Boate, construction authorized of three swift, cost 378 303' ten; cost; speed 378 contracts, etc., no premiums... 378 797 to be all of domestic manufacture... 379