Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1035

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1012 INDEX. Turtle, Virginia E. (aridmv), Page United States Courls—Continued. Pagepension insmsssd __________ _ __,_____,__,_ 814 appropriation for commissioners . 450 Twine, Postal Service, jurors ..·--------·----·------ 4§0 appropriation for . .oooo.,.. .. .. 314, 645 witnesses .. . .------.- 400 Two Rivers, Wis,, for support of prisoners . . . . 450 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 212 for UnitedStatesPenitentiary, Fort Leav- Twomey, Charles H., enworth, Kaus., expenses . . 450 pension increased . ... 813 {01* rout of court rooms .. -.- 451 Typhuo Fever, D, C., for bailiffs, etc ,,_,_,,_____,,_,,,_,_____ 451 provisions to prevent the spread of ... 635 for miscellaneous expenses . 451 U deficiency appropriation for Indian Terri- ' tory courts . .. 24, 310 U S. Grant Post, G. A. R., Washington, Ind., for Court of Private Land Claims. 24, 480 condemned cannon, etc., donated to --- 131 for fees, etc., marshals. ... . . 24, 310, 312 Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah, expenses of suits on postmaster’s appropriation for Indian agent at . .. . 323 onds . . . 25 Uintah Forrest Reservation, Utah, district attorneys ._. . 25, 310 proclamation setting apart ... 31 clerks . -_ . -. - 25, 298, 310 Uintah Indian Reservation, Ufah, commissioners . . 25, 298, 310, 313 appropriation for commission to treat with jliI0l‘B .- - .- . .. . .. .. - 25, 298 Indians, for cessiou of lands, etc 342 witnesses .. ... . . 25, 298, 313 Uintah Valley Agency, Utah, for support of prisoners .. . 25, 298 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians for rent .. . . 25 at ,,,_ _, .. -- ...,,,. 338 for bailiffs, etc .. .. .. . . 25, 298 Umatilla Agency, Oreg., for miscellaneous expenses . . .. 26, 299, 310 appropriation for Indian agent at . -- . 323 for district attorneys, special assistant. 26, Umatilla Indians, Orcq., 297, 310, 313 appropriation for support, etc., of 338 regular assistant- .. . -.. .. . . . . 26 Umatilla Reef, Wash., for legal assistance, appeals from Court appropriation for light-ship .. . .. . 418 of Private Land Claims . . . . 26 Umpqua River, Oreg., for protecting property in receivers’ appropriation for improvement of 233 hands --- - 26, 299 preliminary examination ot} to be made -- 238 for judgments in claims; appeal ... 26, 305 Unclaimed Freight, etc., D. C., for salaries circuit judges .. .. .. 297 may be sold to pay charges; proceeds 124 for Utah, judge, etc .. . . . -- . 297 Underwood, Guy, for deputy marshals, Georgia .- . 299 deiiciency appropriation for services . 304 for ju gment, James Lucy .. 305 Underwood, Osoqr WZ, for marshals’ salaries .,, 312 deficiency appropriation for contested elec- for fees, district attorney, District of tion expenses . . . ... 303 Columbia .. . .. , 481 Uniform, for penitentiary, Fort Leavenworth, ex-officers of Regular Army may wear, of Kans .. . . - ... . ..___ 481 highest rank during the war . .. 511 fees, etc., of attorneys and marshals to be Union Agency, Ind. T., covered into the Treasury. . 179 appropriation for Indian agent at 323 payments to attorneys and marshals for Union Railroad Company, _ services .. . 180 may bridge Monongahela River, Pa- .. 496 fees against the United States .. . .. . 180 time extended for bridging Monongahela salaries of district attorneys .. . . . 180 River, Pa .. . . . . 112 assistant district attorneys; appointment Union River, Me., and pay . . · ,,__ 181 appropriation for dredging . . . 215 allowance of expenses of attorneys and aspreliminary examiuation of, to be made .. 236 sistants; residence ._,,,,_,, _ __,____ 18] survey of, directed. .. 240 salaries of marshals ..,. , ...,,____ 181 United Staten Fourin, employment of office deputiesaml clerks; appropriation for justices of the Supreme g expenses . _,__,__,,, _,_ 132 Court . .. .. 177, 576 ‘ Held deputies; expenses ... .. ,,,,, 182 for marshal, Supreme Court .. --.. 177, 576 double allowance to clerks and iield depfor clerks tojustices . 177. 576 uties in certain districts ,.,.,,,_ 183 for circuit judges . ... 177, 576 allowance of expenses of marshals; msiterms, court of appeals, ninth circuit. 177 , dence . , 183 for circuit courts o appeals . ... . 177, 576 _ restriction of compensation of deputy messenger, eghth circuit .. - 177, 576 marshals ., ,, __,,______ _ _______ 183 for expenses, ourt of Private Land payment of marshals' expense accounts, Claims . . . ... 178, 576 etc.; allowance; returns ,,_,,, _ _____ 133 for district judges . .. . . . . 178, 577 rendition of accounts ,..._.,___ _ __________ 183 for judges, etc. , Indian Territory .. 178, 577 allowance of office expenses ______ _ _ _ _ ____ 183 for retired judges .. , . 178, 577 employment of clerical assistance by nun;-- for judges, etc., court of appeals, Dis- ueys . . .. . .. 183 trict of Columbia --.. 178, 577 salaries to be paid monthly .. . 183 for judges supreme court, District of taxation of costs not affected by this act. . 183 Columbia ---. -- .. 178, 577 penalty for aece ting, etc,, nnsnthorizsd for clerk, northern district Illinois . .. 178,_577 , fees, or failing to turn over receipts. 183 for commissioner, Yellowstone Park- . 178. 578 circuit court commissioners abolished June for expenses, Court of Claims --.. 178,57s . 30, 1897 .. . ,,__________________ _ 184 fo1' Si\l31'lCS, Etc., l118I’Sl18lS . . . - .. 450 l deposit Ofltuctds, atc, ; pending prgqggdfor district attorneys -.. ..-. 450 ¤ ings ...,. ,,_ _ _____ _ ___________ _ 184 regular assistants -.- . 450 district court commissioners to be npspecial assistants . . . . 450 pointed; term; duties_ ____________ _ 13.1 fees, clerks .. . . .. 450 issue ofwarnnts, internn1.;svsnnscnsss_ 184