Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1038

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INDEX. 1015 Wappoo Cg¢t,_S. C., _ Page- { War Department, e!c.—C0utinued. Pago. Wapygopription for 11np1'iZreme;1t of . . . . 220 I approppiatigu fo: expenses, California and ar epag new nee a so my _ 1 eva a. vo unteers . 308 approprxalnon for Secretary:, Assistant, for Oregon and Washington volunteers 308, 311 clerks, ctc . .. . .. I 161, 560 commissions of odiciuls to be issued under I for clerks, etc., Record and Pension sm] of ______ _ _____ _ ________________ 75 Qtiico .. , .. . ... 161,561 expense of rosettos and ribbons for holders ?dJ¤B¤;;¤*>-fgvnvrul,  %%¤ ... 14;, of medals of honor to be paid from nsp or- eneru s co .. . coutin ents e so . ... 473 gngaggoeate-Geueml’s Office penitentiaryF1~‘ortx]l:e:ve:]1worth, to be rel 3 G0 -------·------------- ·- , tcedt 0 1t'n0fne Qum·termaster·Genera1’s Office . 162, 561 ?»uidding?:..g .?TjP.?.t(t Y 380 Commissary-General’s Office .. . . 162, 561 War of 1812, Surgeon-General' Oillce 162, 561 appropriation for pensions ,,,,__.,,.,,_,_ 45 Paymasber~Qenera1’s Office . 162,562 War of the Rebellion, Qyicial Records of (see ggco 0; glare? 0; grdnance --.. 162,? W b lciogords of the Rebellion, Omoo of ). ceo ie 0 n xneers .. . rz , om of Bmw Rgznrds mm §2,.f.‘£1’,.:..f‘I'ff"{ ,,,.. . _____,__________,____ 818 for postage stamps ... .. .. -... 163, 562 Warm Springs Agency, Oreg., for contingent expenses ... 163, 562 appropriation ztbr Indian agent at ,... 323 ¥°£‘1Z"'2°"°”' ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ {3* ESE W“”T’£°'* ”"".1'}3 mi m 0 n ... . . . m1 1 ary rec corre . for office Public Buildings and Grounds, ’ Warrior and Tombigbec Rircra, Ala., f glertlg aarrdenerei ilrxatchrnfpn, etc. . 1:63, 562 approprjistion for improvement oi} to Tusor a ar an avy epa men e oosa ... , .,,, , ,,,., - .,,.,,,_, 221 building, elerk, engineers, watch- Warrior River, Ala., men, etc . .-.. 164,563 construction of bridge authorized across . 386

0r .. . . . . 232; gg preliminzrpiexsiginsticn to bemudo above 36

or orti cations .loc o. 1 .. . ... . . 2 for Military Academy .. - . - 46, 518 Warwick River, Md., {or river and higher improvements . .. IB, g Waplpropriatiou for improvement of . 218 _ or armories an arsena s . . ae ington {or buildipgs and grognds, D. C. ...- :33 appropriation for surveyor-general, clerksimis or branc printing 0 'ce . . - etc .. . ... . .-. 72 ger military posis .. . .. . deigrincidental expenses,i1ndianservico ip 338 - or mi itary par s ..,. . . ciency appropriation or pay, etc., vo - for Engineer Department, harbors, etc.- 442 untoers . . . . . . Sw, 311 for national cemeteries . 443 double fees allowed iicld deputy marshals 183 for repairs Guilford battle ounds . 444 proclamation setting apart Mt. Rainier for survey, Northern, etc., {alms .. - 444 Ol Forest Resergationuf . . 896 for tnusportin maps etc .. ---- 444 mpic Forest eservat on -. .. 901 for artificial ligxbs, et::-.`; .--;} . m Priest sliver Forest Reservation, Idaho 903 for A liances for disabl sol ion . an .. . ... . . for Pggvidonce Hospital, D. C . . 444 Washington Forest Reservation .. .. 904 for Ggmold Hospital, D. C . .- .- gt Waalninggn and Great Falls Electric Railway for ex enses of military convicts ... osnpany for Rgluellion Records . ... . . 444 change of route authorized; lease, etc., for Artillery School, Fort Monroe ... 444 permitted .. . .. 246 for Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort capita increased, bonds, etc .. 249 Leavenworth, Kaus 444 : Wu fngton Aqueduct, D. (‘., for New York Harbor 3 . 445 I aptpropfistion forlmaintensuce .. 402,674 fo Calif rnla Débris Cummins on .. 445 I or s r etc. va vos .. . .. 402 for Natlsnal Home for Disabled Volun- M5 , W ger noir tlolelplioucliuu .. 674 teers . . . ... { an ng on r sy um, for aid to State and Territorial Homes.. 448 appropriation for salaries .. ... . 408, 680 for back pny, bounty, commutation of t or expenses, repairs, etc . 404,681 rations .. . . - . . . 448 , deficiency appropriation forJolm B. Lord. 281 for printing and binding. . .. 422 guahinglon, (‘. (;$c Dggict of Columbia). f r survey etc., Biscayne aya. 4 1 aahington, . (‘. oat- rr, deficiency appropriation forN ew York Har· I appropriation for building: oust increased. 415 bor .. . .. § . 21 ‘ UVa; iing Form! Reamnfig, II MI., 90l for Chickamauga Pnr . .. .- ‘ 1 roc ation netting Spa . . - for Engineer Department ... .. .- 21 Wsahisngtmn Gan Light Conpnny, D. C., fq;·A;-my ,,.,_, , .,. 21, 283, 307, 311 , charge for gas reduced.: . 251 for State and Territorial homes 22, 284standard of quality raised; penalty for for arrears of pay, volunteers .. 22, 307, 311 I departure ... . .. . .. 252 fgrbouuties , -. .. 307,311 I penalty or furnishing unsenled meters-.- 252 for Antietam battlefield ... .. 284 5 stock and bonds limited .. 252 fgrburigl of indigent soldiers --- j may convert certificates of indebtedness 2,3 f Y ll wsto e Park. . . 2 { into stock ... --- ' fg: V:•lri)nteernS0ldiers’ Home . 284, Q j Wtohpagtexpenges of iuspectofs 0B0e ... 396 f Jb l·`inn .. . . -... .. -¤" Mirror rr., 1g:p:in!i:ing and binding .. .- ... 1 condemneél cannon donated Grand Army 131 ‘ {6 ial1' br. . . ... .--.a pcs at -- .. - ... K: gginusntatilsn of rations. . . . . 307 Washington Jlommacni, _ {br hm-su, gm,, claims _,,__,.,. . .. 308, gg { appropriation for care and maintenance.. f of d to States .,,. - . . . for liiel. repairs. etc .. . . f?>;sup1plressing Indian hostilities ... 308 · Waahinglon Sound. ctc., Wash., for Msgioan war volunteers ... 308, 311 i appropriation for lighting 419