Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/170

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140 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. _Sess. I. CHS. 246, 252. 1896. relative to the passage of street railroad trains or cars over the same, ctmptmmtu. and over the approaches thereto, upon the payment of a reasonable compensation for such use; and in case the owner or owners of said bridge and the several railway companies, or any one of them, desiring such use fail to agree upon the sum or sums to be paid, and upon the rules and conditions to which each shall conform in using said bridge, all matters at issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of Pm _ War, upon a hearing of the allegations and proofs of the parties: c1¤¤;°;§A. Provided, That nothing in this Act in regard to charges for passengers and freight across said bridge shall govern the Secretary of War in determining any question arising as to the sum or sums to be paid to the owners of said bridge by said companies for the use of said bridge. -¤¤¤¤**¤°¤*»°*·°· Sec. 7. That Congress shall have the power at any time to alter, amend, or repeal this Act, and the Secretary of War, whenever he shall ‘ deem it necessary, may cause the owners of said bridge to remove all material and substantial obstructions to the navigation of said river by the construction of said bridge and its accessory works. or to prevent such obstruction; and the expense of altering said bridge or removing such obstruction shall be at the expense of the owners of the bridge. wg';'{’,f;f,f_f°“°“ ‘“‘“ Sec. 8. That this Act shall be null and void if construction of said bridge shall not be commenced within two years and nnished within five years from its passage. Received by the President, May 13, 1896. A [Nom BY THE DEPARTIENT OF S1‘A'1'E.·-·The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] May 28, 1896. _ 252.-An Act Making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and iw judicial expenses or the Government for the liscal year euding June thirtieth, eight— een hundred and ninety-seven, and for other purposes. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United u;¤s;·:;t;;%ic?i¤g:; States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, series appropria- and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- ¤°¤¤- ury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the service of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely: L¤¤¤*¤·*r·· LEGISLATIVE. Senate. SENATE. P¤y·»rs··¤¤wr¤. For compensation of Senators, tour hundred and fifty thousand dollars. nnaige. For mileage of Senators, iorty-five thousand dollars. Compensation, tm. For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in °*’"· °‘°· the service of the Senate, namely: _ va(¤t.rmiu»¤v¤ or- OFFICE OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT: For Secretary to the Vice-Presi-

  • ‘°°· dent, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; for messenger,

one thousand tour hundred and forty dollars; telegraph operator, one thousand two hundred dollars; telegraph page, six hundred dollarsin all, five thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. 7 cnapnm. CHAPLAIN: For Chaplain of the Senate, nine hundred dollars. smmqtnns Sen OFFICE OF SECRETARY: For Secretary of the Senate, including ‘*°·°’°‘"k"·°"· compensation as disbursing officer of the contingent fund of the Senate, five thousand dollars, and for compensation as disbursing officer of salaries of Senators, three hundred and ninety-six dollars; hire of horse and wagon for the Secretary’s office, seven hundred dollars; chief clerk, and financial clerk, at three thousand dollars each, and five