Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/22

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. XXIII Page. }{d}¢'¢Wd Rim A11 act for the relief of Edward Rice. June 11, 1896 ,,,_____,__,_________________ 755 hed Hepburn, surctieo of. An act for the relief of William H. Scofield, Jacob Brady, James Ketchum, Annie Booth, as administratrix of the goods, chattels, and credits of George W. Booth, deceased; Wilson P. Billar, Ezra L. Waterhouse, Moses C. Bell, George W. Byles, and George A. Scofield, June 11, 1896 ._,,,,______ _ _,___,,_,., . ,,,,, _ ____ , ,,_._, ,-,- ,,_, , 756 James Regan. An act for the relief of Captain James Regan, United States Army. June 11, 1896. 756 Arfhur P- Sclby. An act for the relief of Arthur P. Selby. June 11, 1896 ,.,__, . .._.,__,. _ _____ _ _ 757 Henry Van Vlcck. An act for the relief of B. J. Van Vleck, administrator of Henry Van Vleck, deceased. June 11, 1896 .,,,,___ _ ,,_,_________________ _ ___,_____ ______ _ _____________ _ 757 Eliza G- Pyvc. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Eliza G. Pyne, June 11, 1896 __,_ ____ ____,,__ 757 ·V¤*‘¢l*¤ M- Gibson. A act to pension Mrs. Martha M. Gibson. June 11, 1896 .. . _ 757 RESOLUTIONS. Justice Qli[m·d’s portrait. Joint resolution to authorize the Attorney-General to transfer to William Henry Clifford a portrait of the late Mr. Justice Clifford now in the Department of Justice. February 7, 1896 ., , .,..,,_,,,__ _ ____________________ ___ ____ __ _ _ 758 Medals, Sidney S. Jordan and Edward C. Carter. Joint resolution to authorize Lieutenant Sidney S. Jordan, Fifth United States Artillery, and Captain Edward C. Carter, assistant surgeon, United States Army, to accept medals from the British Government. March 7, 1896 ... 758 Mwman Church property. Joint resolution providing for the disposition of certain property now gig tlxszéiands of the receiver of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. March 758 I •-·· ••-• ·•·••• ·-·• ··•-•· ~·•— --•·-• ··-· ··•••- ·· •·•·-· ·•·--· ··•· ·--· ••·••» --·· •-·--. Medals, Beaiiumin Harrioon. Joint resolution to authorize Benjamin Harrison to accept certain medi! 8 presented to him while President of the United States. April 2, 1896. ...,. . . .. 759 Henry 'IZ Boker. Joint resolution for the relief of ex-Naval Cadet Henry T. Baker. May 18, 1896. 759 James P. Veacli. Joint resolution for the relief of James P. Veach. June 10, 1896 . . ..-. 759 STATUTE 11.-1896-1897 . A. A. Hosmer. An act for the relief of A. A. Hosmer. January 8, 1897 .. . .. .. . . 761 Emmart, lggnbar and Company. An act for the relief of Emmart, Dunbar and Company. January 9,1 7 .. . .. . . . ... 761 John Coombs. An act granting increase of pension to John Coombs. January 13, 1897 .. . 762 Arnstcad M. Rawlings. An act to grant a pension to Armstead M. Rawlings, of Arkansas. J anuary 13, 1897 ... . · . . ... . . . . 762 Phwbc Jl. Woolley Palmetcr. An act granting a pension to Phoebe M. Woolley Palmeter. January 13, 1897 . ... . . 1. . . . .. . .. . . 762 Neil .lIcNeil. An act granting a pension to Neil McNeil. J anunry 13, 1897 . . 762 Robert Small:. An act to place the name of Robert Smulls on the pension rolls. January 13, 1897- 762 Mary Mania. An act granting a pension to Mary Martin. January 13, 1897 763 Celestia R. Bang;. An act granting a pension to Celestia R. Barry. January 13, 1897 .. . 763 Samuel Burrell. An act for the relief of Samuel Burrell. January 13, 1897 . 7% Mary C. Thompson. An act to increase the pension of Mary C. Thompson. January 13, 1897 763 Theresa Peebles. An act to increase the pension of Theresa Peebles, of J eiferson County, Georgia. January 13, 1&7 . . . . .. ... 763 Orlcina J. Clark. An act granting an increase of pension to Orleina J. Clark, of Louisville, Kentucky. January 13, 1897 . .. ... . . . . . .- . - .. 764 John L. Britton. An act granting an increase of pension to John L. Britton. J anunry 13, 1897.- 764 Charlotte 0. Van Cleve. An act to grant a pension to Charlotte O. Van Cleve, widow of General Horatio P. Van Cleve. J annary 13, 1897 . . . . .. . . .. 764. Elrira Bachclder. An act granting a pension to Elvira Bachelder. January 14, IKJ7 .. . . 704 June Fieher. An act granting n. pension to Jane Fisher. January 14, 1897 ...-... 764 Oscar A. Bulette. An act to remove the charge of desertion new standing against Oscar A. Bulette known in his military title as Austin Bulette, late private in Company E, Fifty-second Illinois infantry Volunteers, during late war. January 16, 1897 .. . . . . . ... 765 Emline Fugam. An not granting a pension to Emeline Filgate. January 16, 1897 .. 765 Lydia Ghapmqp, An act granting a pension to Lydia Chapman. January 16, 1897 .. 765 Im [Iarrig, An act granting a. pension to Ira Harris. January 16, 1897 . . ... . ... 765 France: E. Helfenatein. An act granting a pension to Frances E. Helfenstein. January 16, 1897. 765 Arminda While. An act for the relief of Arminda White, widow of Israel White. January 16, 1897 . .. . ...-- . ----- ·· ·--·-~-··---·------ · ··------ - ----··--·· ~ ··---- · -·-··---· 766 Maria Gibbmw, An act granting a pension to Maria Gibbons. January 16, 1897. 766 _4“gu;gu,; (;, Cary, An net granting a pension to Augustus G. Cary. January 16, 1897 ... 766 Ransom C. Hazelip. An act granting a pension to Ransom C. Hazelip. January 16, 1897 ...- ‘766 gm-ah, Ann Wible, An act granting a pension to Sarah Ann Wible. J annary 16, 1897 . ... 766 Lucinda Rickards. An act for the relief of Lucinda Richards, widow, and the minor children of John D. Rickards, deceased. January 16, 1897. ..-· - .·--..-----··—--·...·.--..-·. 767 Margaret J. Young. An act granting a pension to Margaret J. Young. January 16, 1897 . 767 JI. R. William Grebe. An act for the relief of M. R. William Grebe. January 16, 1897 .. .--. 767 Helen JI. Mallcry. An act granting an increase of pension to Helen M. Mallery. January 16, 1897 _______,___,___,.. . .. . . .. . ... . . . . 767 Hiram P. Pauley. An act for the relief of Hiram P. Pauley. January 16, 1897 . -. .. 768 Byron Cotton. An not to increase the pension of Byron Cotton. January 16, 1897 768 Sarah Wcedon Jonas. An act granting a pension to Sarah Weedon Jones. _January 16, 1897 .. 768 Mary Prince. An act granting a pension to Mary Prince, widow of Llhs Prince. January 16, 68 1897. ..., .- .. . ... .. . . ... . . 7