FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 314. 1896. 221 overthe several shoals and removingthe obstructions therefrom between Cedar Blufis, Alabama, and Rome, Georgia. Improving Coosa River, between Wetumka, Alabama, and the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad bridge: Continuing improvement, fifty thousand dollars. Inside water route between Savannah, Georgia, and Fernandina, fegr r¤t¤;wFS¤r¤¤- Florida: Continuing improvement, fourteen thousand dollars. fiii.; r-KZ °"°°` Improving Apalachicola River, Florida, including the cut-off and F,j¤"*‘°°hi¤°‘¤ R**°*‘» Lower Chipola River: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. ` Improving Caloosahatchee River, Florida: For maintenance, one 0;,·_l¤¤¤¤h¤¢¤¤¤¤R*v· thousand dollars. °" °` Improving Choctawhatchee River, Florida and Alabama: Continuing 8§’*,'!,°j°:Q*;°g=:°Ri'· improvement, five thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of said rméa. ' sum shall be expended above Hollis bridge until a draw, approved by D’““'· the Secretary of War, is put in said bridge. · Improving Escambia and Coneculi rivers, Florida: Continuing im- m§f;‘;'gg*,;1*,fadC°¤° provements, four thousand dollars.` Improving Manatee River, Florida: Continuing improvement, four M=·¤¤g¤¤<¤Riv¤r·F1¤- thousand dollars: Provided, That three thousand dollars, or so much §QQ$:,';g ohms, thereof as may be necessary, be used in dredging, deepening, and other- owwise improving the navigation of the channel known as the Cut—Ofl', extending from said Manatee River, on the north side thereof, and below the town of Palmetto, into Terraceia Bay. Improving Suwanee River, Florida: Continuing improvement, three S“"”¤**°R*"°’·F*¤· thousand dollars. Ipnprovin g Volusia Bar, Florida: For maintenance, one thousand "·>l¤¤i¤ BM. Fla dollars. Improving Ocklawaha River, Florida: For maintenance, three thou- F,Q°kl°"’°h** m"°*· sand dollars. ' Improving Sarasota Bay, from Tampa Bay to Caseys Pass, Florida: s“"‘“°“‘ B“Y· ““· Continuing improvement, two thousand five hundred dollars. Improving Indian River, Florida: By dredging channel at Negro Cut I“‘“““ m"°’» Fhuear Indian River Inlet, seven thousand five hundred dollars. _ Improving Saint Johns River, Florida, from Jacksonville to the ocean, F,§,‘f‘“‘ J°’“"‘ Rm'- in accordance with project submitted February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, two hundred thousand dollars. Improving Alabama River, Alabama: Continuingimprovement, forty =¤¤l>¤¤¤¤·R*v¤*»Al¤- thousand dollars. Improving Black \Varrior River, Alabama, from Tuscaloosa to Dan- ergkff “’°"*"’ m"· iels Creek: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars.` Improving Warrior and Tombigbee rivers, Alabama, from mouth of ,,,;`{,$'§,,L‘§If‘Q,'ff"“` Tombigbee River to Tuscaloosa: Continuing improvement, one hundred and forty-fi ve thousand dollars, of which seventyfive thousand dollars are to be expended on the Tombigbee River and seventy thousand dollars on the Warrior River. and so much of said sums as may be necessary is authorized to be expended in acquiring, by purchase or condemnation, under the laws of Alabama, the lands needed in making such improvements. Improving Tombigbee River from Fulton to Columbus: Continuing A;fl°:*:gS£s Ri'"- improvement and maintenance, eight thousand dollars.` Improving Tombigbee River from Demopolis, Alabama, to Columbus, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, fifty thousand dollars. _ Improving Tombigbee River from WValkers Bridge to Fulton: Continuing improvement and maintenance, one thousand dollars. Bl S H m Improving Big Sunilower River, Mississippi: Continuing improve- ,,,§§,,,Q'° °w" v` ment, five thousand dollars. Improving Noxubee River, Mississippi: For maintenance, three M?;:¤·¤l¤¤¤ Kiwthousand dollars._ _ Improving Pascagoula River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, M};*f°“8°“*°B*'°'· six thousand dollars, and so much of said sum as may be necessary may be used for removal of the bar in Horn Island Pass. _ _ _ _ _ Improving Pearl River, between Edinburg and Carthage, Mississippi : *`°“‘ B"°"· M"'- For maintenance, five hundred dollars. _