Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/32

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2 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 3-5. 1896. January 4, 1896- CHAP. 3.-An Act Fixing the times for holding the Circuit and District Courts ·é‘"—" of the Northern District of Iowa, and of the Southern District of Iowa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Live J¤di·=i=1 ·ii¤- States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter terms of the mr? ws. mz, ess, Circuit and District Courts of the United States shall be held in the PP- °°· 12°· several divisions of the Northern district of Iowa, as follows: Vol 27 p 1 . Tergszugghmm In the Cedar Rapids division at Cedar Rapids, on the first Tuesday trict- in April, and the second Tuesday in September. _ _ In the Eastern division at Dubuque, on the fourth Tuesday 1D April, and the tirst Tuesday in December. In the Western division at Sioux City, on the fourth Tuesday in May, and the iirst Tuesday in October. In the Central division at Fort Dodge, on the second Tuesday in June, and the second Tuesday in November. _ u_£•3°¤¤· ¤<>¤*¤°¤<**¤· Section 2. That hereaher terms of the Circuit and District Courts of ' the United States shall be held in the several divisions in the Southern district of Iowa as follows: ` In the Western division at Council Bluffs, on the second Tuesday in March and the third Tuesday in September. In the Eastern division at Keokuk, on the second Tuesday in April, and the Third Tuesday in October. . In the Central division at Des Moines, on the second Tuesday in May, and the third Tuesday in November. Pmdinz •¤=¤¤¤¤· Section 3. That no action, suit proceeding information indictment _ _ 7 _ 7 _ 7 7 recogmzance, bail-bond, or other process, in any of said Courts, shall ` abate or be rendered invalid by reason of the change of time in the holding of the terms of said Courts, but the same shall be deemed to be returnable to, and pending and triable at, the terms provided for in this Act. Approved, January 4, 1896. J ununry 6.1896- CHAP. 4.—An Act To make Palm Beach, Florida, a subport of entry and ""—‘_‘l"‘ delivery. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mf,**;¤;u,f*°¤:thbR,*;; States of America in Congress assembled, That Palm Beach, in the State try and usliimry. of Florida, shall be and is hereby made a subport of entry and delivery, and a customs officer, or such officers, shall be stationed at said subport with authority to enter and clear vessels, receive duties, fees and other moneys, and perform such other services and receive such compensation as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Treasury the exigencies of commerce may require. Approved, January 6, 1896. J¤¤¤=¤'y 2i»1896· CHAP. §.—An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide a permanent system of highways in that part of the District of Columbia lying outside of cities," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. _ _ V Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United !I];=~;;:$g£§>¤¤g¥;l>;£=; States of America in Congress assembled, That section seventeen of the .,;`,,i€i¥,y;é7 Act approved March secdnd, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, enti- °· *·P- · tled **An Act to provide a pern1aneut_system_of highways in that part of the District ot Columbia lying outside of c1t1es," be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows : dcggtriig appcexs to Sec. 17. That said court in special term may certiiy to the court of ,,,,,,,;.,1,,, m_q“°“ °"‘ appeals of the District of Columbia ior decision there, in the first instance, anyquestion of law that sh-all arise during any proceedings 1n said court in special term under this Act. Any party aggrieved by the iinal order or decree of said court in special term fixing the amount