FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 405-408. 1890. 385 and held to prejudice the rights acquired by any State or by an y military R*Hh*·¤ Mi ¤i'¤<=*¤¤· organization to the ground on which its monuments or markers are placed nor the right of way to the same. Approved, June 10, 1896. CHAP. 406.-—An Act To establish a life-saving station on the coast of New Hamp- J *1**6 10-1896- shire or Massachusetts between the Hampton and the Merrimac rivers. —`°`“""‘_"`“ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the t,,L{,€f"§’§{§{§§,§§§°§: Treasury be, and is hereby, authorized to establish a life-saving station NH-·¤ Mw- <¤>¤¤*- on the coast of New Hampshire or Massachusetts at such point between the Hampton and Merrimac rivers, as the General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service may recommend. Approved, June 10, 1896. CHAP. 407.-An Act Authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Navy to June 10, 1896. donate condemned cannon and condemned cannon balls to certain posts of the Grand —··————-·-——— Army of the Republic. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy g°;*]}f_*‘g:*j,*‘ gjggfi be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate one condemned Aw posts, Leavencannon and condemned cannon balls for four pyramids to Shaw Post, §‘;,,S_ ""1 M°L"“"‘• Grand Army of the Republic, at Leavenworth, Kansas, and also one condemned cannon and condemned cannon balls for four pyramids to McLouth Post, Numbered Two hundred and seventy-nine, Grand Army of the Republic, at McLouth, Kansas, for soldiers’ monuments to be erected at said cities: Provided, That, in the judgment of the Secretary gte3Q98- of the Navy, such articles can be spared without detriment to the public °°""' interest: And provided jnrther, That the United States shall not be Expvnwsubjected to any expense on account of such donation. Received by the President, May 29, 1896. [Norm nv THE DEPARTMENT or STATn.—The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] .CHA.P. 408.-An Act Authorizin and directing the Secretary of the Navy to June 10.1896. furnish to George F. Fuller Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Manistique, ——-;——— Michigan, a con emned cannon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United condemn,.; m,,.,,,_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the A{_’;“°]_m 6,;:]]: Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to furnish to George nqueimtt. ’ F. Fuller Post, Numbered Two hundred and fifty-seven, department of Michigan, Grand Army of the Republic, of Manistique, Michigan, a condemned cannon: Provided, That in the judgment of the Secretary Prrwimr. of the Navy such article can be spared without detriment to the public °°"‘i‘"°“· interests: And provided further, That the United States shall not be H=1¤¤¤¤¤- subjected to any expense on account of such donation. Received by the President, May 29, 1896. [Norm nv THE DEPARTMENT OF STAT1¤.—'1‘he foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] scrA·r L—VOL 29-25 ·