FIBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 415-417. 1896. 391 and the United States shall have the right of way for postal, telegraph, and telephone purposes over said bridge. Sec. 11. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction C¤¤¤¤¤s¤¤¤<¤¤•¤¤t and of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and °°m°l°"°"‘ completed within three years from the date of approval thereof. SEO. 12. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *¤=¤¤d¤¤¤¤*· ewexpressly reserved; and the right to require the entire removal of the bridge constructed under the provisions of this Act, at the expense of the owners thereof, whenever Congress shall decide that the public interests require it, is also expressly reserved. · Sec. 13. That the Act approved February eleventh, eighteen hundred bg,?, “g',f,f°f,fj,;’{)§ and ninety-three, entitled “An Act to authorize the construction of a River repealed. bridge across Cahaba River, in Bibb County, Alabama, by the Mont- V°1‘27‘P‘“1‘ gomery, Tuscaloosa and Memphis Bailway," is hereby repealed. Approved, June 11, 1896. CHAP. 416.-An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across the Alabama ·T¤¤¤ 11.1896- River by the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company. L`- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the rights, powers, and b_B¤‘igs¤ Mr AM privileges granted to the Alabama Great Northwestern Railway Com- w`i°.ii.ziT;ikvs. pany by the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to authorize the con- mR,§gg{}56 gfgsgggg struction of a bridge across the Alabama River," and approved August mama company. sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, together with all the duties and conditions thereby imposed, be, and the same are hereby, taken {rom the said railway company and in all respects extended to, vested in, and imposed upon the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company. Sec. 2. That the time for completing the construction of the bridge axfeiggcgr ·=<·¤¤1>1¤¤·>¤ authorized by said Act, which construction has already been begun,be, Vol. z1,`p.aso. and the same is hereby, extended for three years from the date of the passage of this Act. Sec. 3. That section three of the said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : _ “ Sec. 3. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed, u:j’,f)"§j';§{:,f X? *° upon receiving any such plans and map and other information, and ` upon being satisfied that a bridge built on such plan and with such accessory works and at such locality will conform to the prescribed conditions of this Act, to notify the company that he approves the same; and upon receiving such notification the said company may proceed to an erection of said bridge, conforming strictly to the approved plan and location, but until such notification has been received the bridge shall not be commenced or built; should any material change be made ggéygstmeudm in the plan of the bridge or said accessory works during the progress v01.zv,p.aa». ' of the work thereon, such change shall be likewise subject to the approval of the Secretary of War. The Secretary may at any time, when, in his judgment, necessary, require the company owning or controlling said bridge to change the same in any respect, or to entirely remove the structure, all such changes or the entire removal to be at the expense of said company." Approved, June 11. 1896. CHAP. 417.-An Act To authorize the Butler and Pittsburg Railroad Company to June 11.1896- construct and maintain a bridge across the Allegheny River. """"_°` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Butler and Pittsburg bu§g'°1}:,{r::‘f Railroad Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State fmiiy maytibridge iu. of Pennsylvania, is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and oper- ;§°,f;‘*f;0nu§§fpf1’° ate a railroad bridge, with single or double track, for railroad traffic across the Allegheny River within the limits of Allegheny County, State