Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/451

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 420. 1896. 421 labor, and miscellaneous expenses which can not be included under special heads, nine hundred and ninety thousand dollars: Provided, "{;>·¤*·<>· That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to oniiissslggfiidigiiy by permit officers and others of the Revenue-Cutter Service to make allotments from their pay, under such regulations as he may prescribe, for the support of their families or relatives, for their own savings, or for other proper purposes, during such time as they may be absent at sea, on distant duty, or under other circumstances warrantin g such action. For completing a revenue steamer of the first class, under the direc- c_,§j,°““‘ °’# 1’“°“*° tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, for service on the Pacific Coast, V¤f.28.r.¤2¤. one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For constructing two revenue-steamers of the first class, under the LS¤•>¤=¤¤=·¤. GMM direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, for service on the Great °k°°` Lakes, two hundred thousand dollars; and the total cost of said revenue- °°'**'°°*· steamers, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed two hundred thousand dollars each. ENGBAVING A.ND PBHWTIZNG. PgP¤¤;is];¤vi¤z ¤¤·1 For labor and expenses of engraving and printing: For salaries of all s“·l°"*°°· necessary clerks and employees, other than plate printers and plate printers’ assistants, four hundred and twenty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury: Pro- M vided, That no portion of this sum shall be expended for printing United 1-g° ° ' States notes or Treasury notes of larger denomination than those that may be canceled or retired. For wages of plate printers, at piece rates to be iixed by the Secretary W¤z¤·· of the Treasury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such work, including the wages of printers! assistants, at one dollar and twenty- live cents a day each, when employed, five hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred and fifty dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, That no portion of this sum Pmm. shall be expended for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of I"“g° “°*°°· larger denomination than those that may be canceled or retired. For engravers, printers, and other materials, except distinctive paper Mmmm and for miscellaneous expenses, one hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That the appropriation herein §;·;°*;gm¤ m “ made shall be used for all expenditures of the Bureau of Engraving perm, Treudu-y nt; and Printing in the manner in which appropriations for said Bureau ¤’“*'”°”*~ have heretofore been used, and no part of said appropriation shall be held to be contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, nor be subject to the provisions of sections two hundred and forty and three ,,,f‘“$.;;§’_°'· “°· ’“°· thousand six hundred and eighty-three of the Revised Statutes: And provided further, That all the business of the Bureau of Engraving and ulg;<;*<>:_¢<>t¢<>¤¢r¤1 Printing shall be under the immediate control of the director of said “° ’° °' Bureau, subject to the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the director of the said Bureau shall report to and be responsible directly . to the Secretary of the Treasury. oonstr AND GEODETIC SURVEY. sgi? and Gwdetic For ever ex nditure requisite for and incident to the survey of the 0 $2::*9; °* °¤"°>1 Atlantic, (§ulf,l:hd Pacific coasts of the United States and the coast of cicitt auth' Ellfalkia the Territory of Alaska, including the survey of rivers to the head of °°““°“# “‘°· tide water or ship navigation; deep-sea soundings, temperature and current observations along the coast and throughout the Gulf Stream and Japan Stream ilowing oil' the said coasts; tidal observations; the necessary resurveys; the preparation of the Coast Pilot; continuing researches and other work relating to terrestrial magnetism and the magnetic maps of the United States and adjacent waters, and the tables of magnetic declination, dip, and intensity usually accompanying them; and including compensation not otherwise appropriated tor, of persons employed on the field work, in connirmity with the regulations for the