Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/456

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426 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 420. 1896. FM <>¤¤¤¤i·•*¤··· FISH COMMISSION. .P¤y <gr£_¤;°mi¤- Orman or Commssronnn: For Oommissioner,five thousand dollars; "°°"'° ’chief clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; stenographer to Commissioner, one thousand six hundred dollars; librarian, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; two clerks of class three; one clerk, one thousand dollars; two clerks at nine hundred dollars each; one clerk, six hundred dollars; one engineer, one thousand and eighty dollars; three liremen, at five hundred and forty dollars each; two watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; three janitors and messengers, at six hundred dollars each; one janitress, four hundred and eighty dollars; one messenger, two hundred and forty dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. °m°°°"°°"'”'*‘- Office of accounts: Disbursing agent, two thousand two hundred dollars; examiner of accounts, one thousand six hundred dollars; property clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand and eighty dollars; clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; ~ in all, seven thousand two hundred dollars. mgmcs. ¤*` r¤¤¤i*~¤¤ Office of architect and engineer: ‘Architect and engineer, two thou- °`°g°°°° ’ sand two hundred dollars; draftsman,one thousand dollars; draftsman, nine hundred dollars; clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, four thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. tugivjg of ¤¤l=<¤r Division of iish culture: Otliee-—Assistant in charge, two thousand °` five hundred dollars; superintendent of car and messenger service, one thousand six hundred dollars; oneclerk of class three; two clerks of class one; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; one cnpyist, seven hundred gud twenty dollars; in all, nine thousand seven hundred and twenty o ars. · °·¤¤¤¤¤¤**¤¤· Divisionof fish culture; station employees: Central; Station, Washington, District ot Columbia: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; clerk,nine hundred dollars; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; laborer, tour hundred and eighty dollars; in all, three thousand six hundred dollars.

    • 1****** Aquaria, Central Station: Superintendent, nine hundred and sixty

dollars; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, one _ thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. mh P°“d°· Fish ponds, Washington, District of Columbia: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, eight hundred and forty dollars; two laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, three thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. Gwen I·¤k¤.M¤- Green Lake (Maine) Station: Superintendent, one thousand live hundred dollars; foreman, seven hundred and eighty dollars; tlshculturist, six hundred and sixty dollars; two laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; in all, four thousand and twenty dollars. C***¤¤B*°°*·”**¤°· Craigs Brook (Maine) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; foreman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one laborer, ilve hundred and forty dollars; in all, two thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. S¤¤w•>¤¤¤¤¤ry.V¤- Saint Johnsbury (Vermont) Station: Superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, three thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. <*¤<>¤¤¤¤M·¤i¤¤·· Gloucester (Massachusetts) Station: Custodian and tish-culturist, nine hundred dollars. W<¤»•1¤ H¤11·M¤•¤ W'oods Holl (Massachusetts) Station: Superintendent, one thousand tive hundred dollars; machinist, nine hundred and sixty dollars; lishculturist, nine hundred dollars; pilot and collector, seven hundred and twenty dollars;. three iiremen, at six hundred dollars each; two laborers, at five hundred and forty dollars each; in all, six thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. Cave Vi¤<·¢¤tN-Y- Cape Vincent (New York) Station: Superintendent, one thousand