FIFTY»FOl`R'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 420. 1896. 443 For harbor of rethee at Point Judith, Rhode Island: Continuing P°*¤° J¤<'i*h·R·I· improvement, three hundred thousand dollars. For improving harbor and bay at Humboldt, California: Continuing Humboldt, Urdimprovement, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. NATIONAL cmmnrnnms. N,e.,,.i,,.,,..m,i,,,, Fon NATIONAL cnmnrnnms: For maintaining and improving M¤*¤*°¤=¤¤·*· national cemeteries, including fuel for superintendents of national cemeteries, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of tools and materials, one hundred thousand dollars. Fon SUPERINTENDENTS on NA·rIoNAL cnmmvnniizsz For pay of S¤P"*¤*°¤·*°¤*¤· _ seventy-five superintendents of national cemeteries, sixty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. HnAns·roims ron ennvns or sonnrnnsz For continuing the work _,,§,§?‘;j‘,§{§;° *°’ ¤°*· of furnishing headstones for unmarked graves of Union soldiers, sailors. ` and marines in national, post, city, town, and village cemeteries, naval cemeteries at navy-y ards and stations of the United States, and other burial places, under the Acts of March third, eighteen hundred and v¤1.i·1,p.s45. seventy-three, and February third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, v°L 2°·P·”“· twenty thousand dollars. REPAIBING ROADWAYS T0 NATIONAL omuntmnmsz For repairs to l'*’¤**"*F¤- roadways to national cemeteries which have been constructed by special _ authority of Congress: Provided, That no railroad shall be permitted §,Q‘g'{f,§’é,,m,,,,,, by upon the right of way which may have been acquired by the United r¤i¤r<>=>d¤ forbidden. States to a national cemetery, or to encroach upon any roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained by the United States, eight thousand dollars. _ _ BURIAL OF INDIGENT SOLDIERS: For expenses of burying in the mE,';;;:} °f "“"g°“* Arlington National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of Columbia, indigent ex-Union soldiers, sailors, and marines of the late civil war who die in the District of Columbia, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War, at a cost not exceeding fifty dollars for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, three thousand dollars. Row ro NATIONAL cnnnrnnr, Pnnsimo on SAN FnANcIsco, CALL C_*{°°" *° *`*°°*“°- FOBNIAI For continuing the work of improving the reservation at the Presidio of San Francisco, California, by developing and perfecting the water supply, the reclaiming of sand dunes, the planting of trees and shrubs, and construction of new roads, the erection of a permanent fence or wall on the south and east lines of the reservation, the erection of permanent gateways, the reclamation of the marsh, and other general and much-needed improvements, ten thousand dollars. Military Cemetery at Key West, Florida: For the purchase and use KW W••*» Fhof land included in the military cemetery adjacent to the reservation of Key West Barracks, Florida, as recommended in a letter from the Secretary of War, dated February seventh, eighteen hundred and · ninety-six (House Document Numbered Two hundred and twenty-one, Fifty-tourth Congress, iirst session), two thousand and fifty-eight dollars. BATTLEFIELD or ANTIETAM: For completing the work of locating, A¤*·i°¤¤·M¢ presewving, and marking the positions of troops and lines of battle of the Union and Confederate armies at Antietam, and the closely related battles of Harpers Ferry, South Mountain, Crannptons Gap, and Shcpherdstown, the said lines and positions to be marked with cast-iron tablets, each bearing a brief historical legend compiled without {praise and without censure; for improvement of roads owned by the nited States at Antietam; for monuments of cannon balls and bases therefor to mark the localities where six general officers were killed; for completing the observatory towers; for guideposts; for preparing and publisliing maps indicating the movements and positions of troops engaged in the battles and in the Antietam campaign; and for services and materials incidental to the foregoing, seventeen thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War.