rirrrroonrn oonennss. snss. 1. ans. 11-14. 1896. 463 designate the distributees of their quota of said official Records or any part thereof, as authorized by the Act of Congress approved July Vu1.28,pp.190,975. thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and the Joint Resolution approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, to the extent and in the manner and form provided in said Act. Approved, January 30, 1896. [No. 12.] Joint Resolution Concerning the erection and completion (except heat- F¢br¤ary5, 1896· ing apparatus) of the United States Post Onice Building at Bloomington, Illinois. T" "`W Whereas, A clause in the sundry civil appropriation Act of March third, Iirwmble- _ eighteen hundred and seventy-five (18 Stat., 395) relating to public `°I‘]8‘p`39`"‘ buildings, provides: “No change in said plan involving an increase of expense exceeding ten per centum of the amount to which said building was limited, shall be allowed or paid by any officer of the Government without the special authority of Congress;" and Whereas, During the last recess of Congress the contract for the erection and completion (except heating apparatus) of the United States Post Office building at Bloomington, Illinois, was let for an amount less than the estimated cost and it became advisable for the Secretary of the Treasury to so modify the drawings and specifications for said building as to provide fire-proof construction and improved design, now, therefore, be it __ Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representattres of the United States £·{]*f;_*{jf3¤{{f¢;}j)(`§l;_uc of America in Congress assembled: That the Secretary of the Treasury tion rifpublicbuilding be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to construct and complete ""‘°”"'“°"· the above named building as may be shown and called for by modified _ drawings and. specifications: Provided, That the present appropriation f{I‘;;‘;bt extended_ for said building and its site shall not be exceeded. Approved, February 5, 1896. [No. 13.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to use a portion F°b'“*“'Y7» 1896- of the appropriation for new iron roof for foundry at navy-yard, Washington, District WPPWW of Columbia, in the Act entitled "An makingmppropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June thirtneth, cig, teen hundred and ninety~six, and for other purposes," for repairs to the walls of said foundry. . Resolved by the Senate and H ouse of Representatia·es of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, §Q‘"g,(,s,__ mndry and he is hereby, authorized to use such part of the thirty-three YVM_iii!1ZK011,D.(}·,8¤: thousand dollars appropriated for new iron roof for foundry in the Act "‘§’2f°2‘§; ,,832 entitled “An Act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and for other purposes/’ under the caption “Public works—B11re;1i1 of Yards and Docks, navy-yards and stations, Naval Academy, and New Naval ()bservatory," and under the subhead “Navy-Yard, )Vashington, District of ()olumbia," as may be necessary for repairs to the walls of said foundry. ‘ Approved, February 7, 1896. . [No. I-L] Joint Resolution To supply the Department of State with documents. __F°b*'¤’*"Y7-1896· Resolred by the Senate and House of Represe12ifatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Public Printer be, and he is nepmmeunxsme. hereby, authorized and directed to print, in addition to the usual num- u,£;;{fm°“‘S‘°b°*“" ber, and furnish the Department of State with twenty copies of each Senate and House of Representatives document and report. Approved, February 7, 1896.