FIFTYFOUBTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 50-53. 1896. 473 distribution, to the Superintendent of Documents. That the Senators, Members, and _ Delegates, of the Fifty-fourth Congress be, and are hereby, authorized to designate to the Superintendent of Documents the names of persons to whom their respective quotas of said document shall be sent trom time to time as the volumes are published: Provided, smart. _ That in the distribution to the Senate and House of Representatives S“""“°°°°'”"1°" the traction in each case shall be delivered to the compiler: And providedjurther, That the Public Printer shall bind in black half-Turkey spain umm;. morocco one copy for the use of each Senator, and Member, and Delegate in the Fifty-fourth Congress. Approved, April 30, 1896. [No. 51.] Joint Resolution Relative to the medal of honor authorized by the Acts May 2, 1896. of July twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and March third, eighteen hun- —;—·— dred and sixty-three. Resolved ln; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and 1i•¤¤l¤ ¤f1=·¤¤>r- he is hereby, authorized to issue to any person to whom a medal of ,.E.f,1‘.Z‘}{,T'.,;°.§'.f’.$,““‘ honor has been awarded, or may hereafter be awarded, under the provisions of the Joint Resolution approved July twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, a rosette or knot to be worn in lieu of the medal, v»1.r2,pp.o2s,vs1. and a ribbon to be worn with the medal · said rosette or knot and ribbon to be each of a pattern to be prescribed and established by the President of the United States, and any appropriation that may hereafter be available for the contingent expenses of the War Department Hmmm is hereby made available for the purposes of this Act: Provided, That §§','§,‘$,°,;1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whenever a ribbon issued under the provisions of this Act shall have been lost, destroyed, or rendered nniit for use, without fault or neglect on the part of the person to whom it was issued, the Secretary of War shall cause a new ribbon to be issued to such person without charge therefor. Approved, May 2, 1896. [No. 52.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to donate to the May 1s, 1806. Motupttain View Cemetery Association, at Oakland, California, certain cannon, and - —*—-———- 80 0 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, §,Q’,§‘f,f,’_{'{‘,f‘},f,Q§,{°,‘;; and he is hereby, authorized to donate and deliver, under such condi- 0¤k¤¤¤d.c•L tions as he may deem necessary in order to insure the proper fulfillment of the purposes of this resolution, to the Mountain View Cemetery Association, at Oakland, California, six condemned cannon and six pyramids of condemned cannon balls for the purpose of decoratin g the Grand Army burial plat, reserved for the burial of hnnorably discharged soldiers and sailors of the Union, and to be placed around and near the soldiers’ monument already erected there: Provided, That such articles only be EL donated, under the authority herein contained, as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Navy may be spared without detriment to the public interests: Provided furtherfThat the United States shall not be sub- E¤s·¤¤¤¤- ejected to any expense in connection with the donation of the articles referred to. Approved, May 18, 1896. _____ [N0. 53.] Joint Resolution Authorizing foreign exhibitors at the Tennessee Cen- May 18, 1896. tennial Exposition, to be held in Nashville, Tennessee, in eighteen hundred and "‘ 'wm ninety-seven, to bring to this country foreign laborers hom their respective countries for the purpose of preparing for and making their exhibits, and allowing articles imported from forei n countries for the sole purpose of exhibition at said exposition to be importer? free of duty, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. _ Whereas the Tennessee Centennial Exposition Company of Nash- P¤·•mu¤. ville, Tennessee, have extended invitations which have been accepted