FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 136, 145, 146, 167. 1897. 5]] which the propcpty is situated at the time the mortgage is executed. All mortgages 0i persopal property in the Indian Territory heretofore executed atnd recorded u1 php judicial district thereof in which the prop- . crty was mtuated at the txme they were executed are hereby validatedf Approved, February 3, 1897. CHAP. 145.-Au Act T0 provide an American register for the barge Black Diamond. February 4, 1897. Bc it enacted by fha Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongrass assembled, That the Commissioner of Navi B };’°“*°S S· F¤*°k· gilt10D is hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreigrrbuilt barge <§‘?ama American Thomas S. Fulck, owned by the Mobile Goal Company, of Mobile, Ala- Q‘f§_',j‘§§j *‘tf§".}jj{;Q{£ bama, a corporation under the laws of Alabama, to be registered as a Di¤m Y>¤·i-" vessel of the United States under the name of Black Diamond. Approved, February 4, 1897. CHAP. 146.—A11 Act To authorize oiicers who served during the war of the rebel- February 4, 1897. lion in the Regular Army to bear the title and, on occasions of ceremony, wear the *?-———————— uniform of their highest rank. B0 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all officers who have $§{;> ·and ummm_ served during the rebellion as officers of the Regular Army of the of mgmt `rzmk a1. United States, and have been honombly discharged or resigned from §;‘Q?£efi";§§;°{]*1BQ';f the service, shall be entitled to bear the official title aud, upon occa- b¤1li•>¤· sions of ceremony, to wear the uniform of the highest grade they have held, by brcvct or other commission, as is 110w authorized for officers R.S.,¤•·¤. 1226, p.212. of volunteers by section twelve hundred and twenty-six, Revised Statutes. Approved, February 4, 1897. CHAP. 167.-An Act For the protection of yacht owners and shipbuildcrs of the February 5, 1807. United States.` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section forty-two hundred Y¤·>¤¤·· and sixteen of the Revised Statutes bc, and is hereby, amended to read as follows:
- · Sec. 4216. Yachts, belonging to n. regularly organized yacht club of af§l¤j$m··_;;b*: ¤*·*·
any forcigrn mation which shall extend like privileges to the yachts of the i~l.S.,n¤c.4216,p.B12. United States, shall have the privilege of entering or leaving any port °"*°”“°‘*- of the United States without entering or clearing at tha custom-house thereof or paying tonnage tax: Provided, '1`hzgt the privileges of this grzuisok d d t section shall not extend to any yacht bmlt outsnde of tl¤0 United States ,,c|§’t,°lTs.,f’f‘ EEC__ l,;? and owned, chartered, or used by a citizen of the United Smtes, unless <=i¤¤¤¤¤- such ownership or charter was acquired prmr tp the passage of this Act? Fomgmbummm Sec. 2. That section eleven of an Act, cntrtled “A11 Act to abolish Owned, em., by cm. cumin Recs for omcial services to American vessels, and to mucnd me gg? ¤· M ¢¤¤¤¤¤¤ laws relating to shipping C0mmiSSi0l1€I‘S, Sqalllcn and qwners of vessels, v¤1.24,p.s1. and for other purp0scs,” approved J unc nineteenth, 81g]1tC€I\'hllDdI`€d and eighty-six, so far as the same cxcmpts any yachplguilt outside 0f_the United States and owned, chartered, or uscd_by a. citizen of the United States, from the payment of tonnage ta xcs, IS hereby repealed. Received by the President, January 25, 1897. [Norm BY THE DEPARl'MENT or STATE-.—Th€ foregoing act: having been presented to the President of the United States for Ins approval,