Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/62

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32 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 34. 1896. mTmz¤0NT1NENTAL RAILWAY COMMISSION. I'**•*°°c'“*", ,°.“"."*,, To meet the share of the United States toward the completion and mm ° publication of the reports, maps, proiileshand so forth, of the Intercontinental Railway Commission, fifteen ousand dollars. . . mT1tRNAT10NA.L BUREAU AT BRUSSELS Fon BEPRESSION or THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE. B f ¤••· To cet the share of the United States in the expenses of the special §F r3"`" bunealill created by article eighty-two of the general act concluded at · Wl- *7-1*- m- Brussels July second, eighteen hundred and ninety, for the repression of the African slave trade and the restriction of the importation into and sale in a certain defined zone of the African continent of firearms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors, for the years eighteen hundred and ninety- four, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, eighteen hundred and nmety-six, and eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, four hundred dollars. Tmemus TRUST FUNDS. T ns covered sm Hereafter all moneys received by the Secretary of State from foreign

 governments and other sources, in trust for citizens of the United States

or others, shall be deposited and covered into the Treasury. P•y¤¤¤¤ a em.- The Secretary of State shall determine the amounts due claimants, "‘°‘ respectively, from each of such trust funds, and certify the same to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall, upon the presentation of the certificates of the Secretary of State, pay the amounts so found to be ' due. asu.: qppa. Each of the trust funds covered into the Treasury as aforesaid is “’°“· hereby appropriated for the payment to the ascertained beneficiaries thereof of the certillcates herein provided for. senosuisn. SCHEDULE B. snma.SALARIES, OONSULAB. SE12V10E. ctnnm-gmmx. Consul-general at Havana, six thousand dollars; Consuls-general at London, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro, at five thousand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Shanghai and Calcutta, at five thousand dollars each, ten thousand dollars; Consul-general at Melbourne, four thousand five hundred dollars; Consuls— general at Berlin, Montreal, Kanagawa, Panama, and Mexico (city), at four thousand dollars each, twenty thousand dollars; Consnls-general at Halifax and Vienna, at three thousand five hundred dollars each, seven thousand dollars; Consulsgeneral at Apia, Constantinople, Dresden, Guayaquil, Frankfort, Ottawa, Rome, Saint Petersburg, Singapore, Cape Town (indica), and Saint Gall, at three thousand dollars each, thirty-three thousand dollars- Consul-general at Nuevo Laredo, two thousand five hundred dollars; Cousuls-general at Tangier and Maracaibo, at two thousand dollars each, four thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Santo Domingo and Barcelona, at one thousand five hundred dollars each, three thousand dollars; Total, one hundred and six thousand dollars. 0¤¤¤¤1¤»¤¤=- For salaries of consuls, vice-consuls, and commercial agents, four hundred and seventeen thousand dollars, as follows, namely: C-l¤¤¤L$5.000aye•r. CLASS I. Consul at Liverpool, five thousand dollars. Consul at Hongkong, five thousand dollars.