Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/622

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592 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 269, 308, 310. 1897. s°b“°‘*“°"° '°u°“°‘ Sec. 7. That all crimes or oilenses hereafter committed in any of the divisions of the said districts shall be cognizable within such division, and all prosecutions for crimes or offenses heretofore committed in the districts as heretofore constituted shall be commenced and proceeded with as if this Act had not been passed. B2*};’s‘Q}f,§g““*°*°'k“· SEO. 8. That there shall be appointed in the northern division of the ' eastern district of the State of Arkansas one additional clerk of the district court and one of the circuit court, who shall reside and keep their respective offices in the city of Batesville. B°P°‘1·°"°· Sec. 9. That all acts and parts of acts in conilict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed; and this Act shall take effect and ‘ be in force from and after its passage. Approved, February 20, 1897. F°b”W”·1m· CHAP. 308.-An Act To extend the time for the completion of the Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company through the White Earth, Leech Lake, Chippewa, and Fond du Lac Indian reservations in the State of Minnesota. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqrresentatives of the United ,,};;€$‘§§£:Qy’{f,§1,:`§ States of America in Congress assembled, That the time for the construciieie- by @9*1 digg, tion of the Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway through the ittnsymiiity sx. White Earth, Leech Lake, Chippewa, and Fond du Lac Indian reserva-

  • ·g},°,fé“_u,,_ tions in the State of Minnesota, as limited by section three of an Act of

Congress entitled “An Act granting to the Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company the right of way through the White Earth, Leech Lake, Chippewa, and Fond du Lac Indian reservations in the State of Minnesota," approved July eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, together with the rights and privileges granted by said Act, be, and the same are hereby, revived and extended for the period of two years from the eighteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. Approved, February 23, 1897. F¤b1’¤¤'¥ 24, 1997- CHAP. 310.-Au Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to issue Springfield rifles _`—“;"‘ to each State and Territory for the National Guards thereof, in exchange for other rifles now held. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §F{,“{',*f,“§l,§*_‘Q,‘2f,’·,, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Wair is $:*:3:: T¤¤'i¤¤’|¤• hereby authorized to issue to the governors of the several States and ‘ Territories such number of Springfield breech-loading rifles, caliber forty-five onehundredths of an inch, as are now required for arming all of the regularly organized armed and equipped militia (generally known as the National Guard) of each State and Territory that are not m·°,_m_ mw already supplied with this arm: Provided, That each State or Territory um. be required on receipt of the new arms to turn into the Ordnance Department, United States Army (without receiving any money credit therefor), an equal number of the arms now in its possession, except its Springfield rifles, caliber forty-five one-hundredths of an inch. mjj';;';}Bf°P°" °’ Sec. 2. That each State and Territory shall hereafter make an annual return to the Secretary of War of all the arms issued to them under this or any former Act of Congress as provided for in the Act of Febru- V¤¤-?4·r- 401- ary, eighteen hundred and eightyseven, making a permanent annual appropriation for arming and equipping the militia. .u};‘;{'J{,’;°";j,°Q¤¥,,',';{ Sec. 3. That any State or Territory may, in addition to the stores permitted. and supplies issued under the provisions of this Act and the Act of February, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, purchase for the use of its national guard or reserve militia, at regulation prices for cash at place of sale, such stores and supplies trom any department of the Army as, in the opinion of the Secretary of \Var, can be spared. Approved, February 24, 1897.