FIFTYJYOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 385. 1897. 647 For transportation of foreign mails, one million eight hundred and F¤¤=*s¤ ¤¤¤¤¤· thirty-six thousand dollars, including additional compensation to the _ Oceanic Steamship Company for transporting the mails by its steamers G02f3Q;,';? S‘°"““""P sailing from San Francisco to New Zealand and New South Wales by way of Honolulu, all mails made up in the United States destined for the Hawaiian Islands, the Australian colonies, New Caledonia, and the _ islands in the Pacific Ocean, eighty thousand dollars: Provided, That €f,f,'§f°’· the sum paid the said Oceanic Steamship Company shall not exceed two dollars per mile, as authorized by Act of March third, eighteen "°l·2‘*»P·8”· hundred and ninety-one, entitled “An Act to provide for ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, and to promote commerce :"And provided further, That hereafter the Postmaster-Gen- Cl"]" °“ “°°‘*'”°”· eral shall be authorized to expend such sums as may be necessary, not exceeding fifty-five thousand dollars, to cover one—half of the cost ot transportation, compensation, and expense of clerks to be employed in assorting and pouching mails in transit on steamships between the _ United States and other postal administrations in the International Postal Union; and not exceeding forty thousand dollars for trans- y,£'§’f"Sf°’“ "‘° N"' ferring the foreign mail from incoming steamships in New York Bay to the several steamship and railway piers, and between the steamship piers in New York City and Jersey City and the post—office and railroad stations. For balances due foreign countries, one hundred and forty-two thou- B,,g§‘{jjj‘,f§fd°‘;“° ‘°’· sand dollars. ` 0FF1cE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT PosTMAsTER·GENEnAL. PTMM A¤¤i¤t¤¤f ostmaster-General. For manufacture of adhesive postage and specialdelivery stamps, s""“”‘ one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. _ _ _ For pay of agents and assistants to distribute stamps, and expenses D‘*""’“*‘°“· of agency, twelve thousand dollars. S Y For manufacture of stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers, mfamlm °”"°l°*’°°’ eight hundred and forty-four thousand dollars. _ _ _ For pay of agents and assistants to distribute stamped envelopes D""“"‘"°"· and newspaper wrappers, and expenses of agency, seventeen thousand eight hundred dollars. For manufacture of postal cards, one hundred and ninety-seven P°“‘°l°°"““· thousand dollars.D. t ., . For pay of agent and assistants to distribute postal cards, and "° " ’“°"’“’ expenses of agency, seven thousand eight hundred dollars. Om ml ‘ d For registered-package, tag, official, and deadletter envelopes, one apes,`) ‘ ° °" °°`~ ` hundred and three thousand dollars. __h_ For ship, steamboat, and way letters. one thousand dollars. b _"" °"‘* l°"°”‘ For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. M‘°°°"““°°“°‘ orricn or THE Fovurn AssrsTANT POST)IASTER·GENEBAL. P£f;Q;}e,_(§jjQjh?f* For mail depredations and postofiice inspectors, four hundred thou- M"" °°p'°‘““‘°°°· sand dollars: For payment of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction of R°`“"‘1s· "*°· post-office burglars, robbers. and highway mail robbers, twenty-five thousand dollars. Section four hundred and thirteen of the Revised Statutes is hereby A¤¤¤¤"°P°’*¤· amended so as to read as follows: “SEO. 413. The Postmaster-General shall make the following annual m,f,?;*;Q;j,§§_"G°* reports to Congress: nuf%n%;§*‘¤· ·¤$· v- 6% “First. A report of the finances of the Department for the preced- F,,,,,§,Q;,S_ ing year, showing the amount of balance due the Department at the beginning of the year, the amount of postage which accrued within the year, the amount of engagements and liabilities and the amount actually paid during the year for carrying the mail, showing how much of the amount was for carrying the mail in preceding years.