FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 387. 1897. 671 Eor purchase or condemnation of rights of way for construction, C¤¤·*¤·¤¤¤¤<>¤· maintenance, and repairs of public sewers, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ For automatic llushing tanks, one thousand dollars. m°'h“'g °'“k" STREETS. S¤¤¤¢¤- REPAIRS STREETS, AVENUES, AND ALLEYS: For current work of R"""'· repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, thirty thousand dollars. And this appropriation shall be available for repairing the pavements of _ street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expended shall be°°zi>,r:iiv•i:.y·` collected from such railroad company as provided by section five of "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia/’ approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy- eight, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the fiscal year in which they are collected. _ For replacing and repairing sidewalks and curbs around public res- S'd°"““"· °°"· ervations, five thousand dollars. REPAIRS COUNTY ROADS: For current work ot repairs of county roads and suburban streets, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That this ihgvilgbln as an appropriation shall be available for the l'Bp3lI‘ of all county roads, except ’°¤·l¤· such as are rendered useless by the opening and improving of new highways established under the Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. _ CONSTRUCTION or counrv ROADS: For construction of county roads ,,,°,?,§;Q[“°°'“¤ °°“¤· and suburban streets, as follows:C For paving Connecticut avenue and Columbia road, between Florida ¤¤e°d:i;¤iii»il:i:»:iiln° avenue and Eighteenth street extended, thirty-six thousand dollars: _ Provided, That if any surplus remains of the sum hereby appropriated, §f,‘fp°]‘j';f· the same shall be expended for regulating, grading, and paving Baltimore street from Columbia road to Twentieth street, and thence along Twentieth street to the Adams Mill road entrance to the Zoological _ _ Park: Provided, however, That the portions of Baltimore street and ,,,g'§;‘f“"°"“ f""" Twentieth street so regulated, graded, and paved are, or shall be, dedicated by the owners for conformity with the plans for highway extension ; _ For grading and regulating Clifton, Irving, Yale, Bismark, Harvard, °““"“·""’··""°°*'· Columbia, Steuben, Kenesaw, \Vallach, and Thirteenth streets. from Seventh to Fourteenth streets, and Roanoke and Princeton streets from Sexenth to Thirteenth streets, completing improvement, eight thousand dollars; For grading and regulating Sherman avenue, ten thousand dollars; For grading and regulating Kenesaw avenue and Park road, ten ,n'§°§§§§'f,fdY'""° thousand dollars: Provided, That Park road, or Park highway, between 5··$r*•v·_ Kenesaw avenue and Klingle road, be dedicated to the District of ° *°°°”°°' Columbia, for conformity with recorded plans of highway extensions; For grading and regulating Twelfth street extended, from Florida avenue to Mount Olivet road, ten thousand dollars; For paving Massachusetts avenue extended, from Twenty-second street to Sheridan Circle, five thousand dollars; For grading and regulating Emporia street, from Twellth street to E'""f’"“ °“"’°" Brentwood road, {bur thousand dollars: Proriderl, That the owners ,';g'{'c;{*,,,,,_ thereof shall dedicate the spaces for widening and extending said street within the limits named for conformity with the plans of highways extensions; _ For improving Thirty-seventh street between Back street and Ten- m'Q}f”'>""‘°'°“"‘ nallytown road at or near Schneider lane, three hundred and seventy- Ame, p. wc. four dollars and fortyeight cents (the same being unexpended balance of appropriation of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, for paying court expenses and fees of commissioners, and paying for ground taken, and damages to property to open and extend said street), together with five hundred dollars additional for the same purpose;