Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/721

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 389. 189'Z 69] · said boilers, steam pipes, and appurtenances are or are not constructed pursuant to the laws of the United States, or whether they are or are not constructed of iron stamped pursuant to said laws. The tests in T°°*°· the inspection of such boilers, steam pipes, and appurtenances shall be the same in all respects as to strength and safety as are required in the inspection of boilers constructed in the United States for marine purposes. Sec. 15. That section twenty-eight hundred and thirty-four of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended by repealing the following words therein: D f f "The master of any vessel bound to any district in Connecticut ·?°°* 9 P“P°'°° through or by the way of Sandy Hook, shall, before he passes the port g!?!; l;:s;}h`il¤ldve1InT§i‘; of New York, and immediately after his arrival, deposit with the col- °l§}§'?}§,’g.g_2834_,,_547’ lector for the district of New York a true manifest of the cargo on ¤m¤¤·*¤·*- board such vessel. The master of any vessel bound to the district of Burlington shall, before he passes the port of Philadelphia, and immediately after his arrival, deposit with the collector thereof a like manifest; and the collector shall, after registering the manifest, transmit the same, duly certified to have been so deposited, to the officer with whom the entries are to be made; and the" Sec. 16. That sections twenty-five hundred and seventy, twenty-five §_°§f"{_L},3,§°2‘§.§’,§j’;*5§5, hundred and seventy-one, twenty-five hundred and seventy-two, twenty- p.50¤;`¤¤¤¤.`2ss4, five hundred and seventy-three, twenty-tive hundred and seventy-four, f,’;,;'}§§f‘Ii’25‘§,*T‘ twenty-five hundred and seventy-Eve, twenty-five hundred and eighty- $$97. p. 561. secsfms, four, twenty-tive hundred and eighty-five, twenty-eight hundred and p,:§i'g?°,;g€;§°§3_:52g45j twenty-four, twenty-eighthundred and thirty-five, twenty-eight hundred P- 889- and ninety-seven, forty-one hundred and thirty-three, forty-one hundred and thirty-four, forty-two hundred and thirty-four, forty-five hundred and eighty-nine, and forty-five hundred and ninety of the Revised Statutes are repealed. _ Sec. 17. That section twenty-seven hundred ninety-seven of the st£‘;§°'t“'° °f “°“ Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following words: Tm f f “ Sea stores and the legitimate equipment of vessels belonging to ,-.,.,...§“ f,’§°,.f,f$°f},E§§ regular lines plying between foreign ports and the United States P•gt*;jé 2m w delayed in port for any cause may be transferred in such port of the mtu5mi.` 'I`° ' United States under the supervision of the customs officers from one vessel to another vessel of the same owner without payment of duties, but duties must be paid on such stores or equipments landed for consumption, except American products? Sino. 18. That section fifty-three hundred and forty-seven of the Revised Statutes be amended to read: P “ Sec. 5347. Every master or other officer of an American vessel on ,,,,3;’,§',;”’;‘,:,';${;’;'7;3§; the high seas or on any other waters within the admiralty and mari- °¤{,¤·S M 5347 time jurisdiction of the United States, who, without justifiable cause, iossimiienuéd.p` beats, wounds, or imprisons any of the crew of such vessel or withholds from them suitable food and nourishment, or intiicts upon them any cruel and unusual punishment, shall be punished by a iine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not more than five years, or by both." Repeal of no ui 0 Nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal or modify .,...m,i_ g" "° section forty-six hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes. §L§··j;°-;Q'lgr·§°*- Sec. 19. That article seven of section forty-five hundred and eleven 1z.s?¤e54sii,p`T`s&; of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended to read; *¤*°¤·*§**I “ Seventh. Any regulations as to conduct on board and as to fines, ti,f§g#""‘°'“"1 ‘°g"1“` short allowances of provisions, or other lawful punishments for misconduct, which may be sanctioned by Congress or authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury not contrary to or not otherwise provided for by law, which the parties agree to adopt." seo. 20. That this Act sum1 take edema July msc, eighteen hundred ,};;,,f··*¤ sm my and ninety-seven. Approved, March 3, 1897.