Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/836

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808 FIFTYTFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 259-262. 1897. `her the sum of thirty dollars per month in lieu of the pension of eight dollars per month which she now receives. Received by the President, February 6, 1897. [Norm BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE.—The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] F¤br¤¤r:’18» 1897- H 260.-An Act Granting an additional pension to Captain Bradbury W. lg . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United £r¤·1!>¤ryW·Hiz_]¤¢- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the °”'°“ ”'°"“°°Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll the name of Bradbury W. Hight, late of Company C, Second Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, at the rate of seventy-two_ dollars per month, in lieu of his present pension of seventeen dollars per month. · Received by the President, February 6, 1897. [NOTE nr TILE DEPARTMENT or STATE.-——Tl1B foregoing act having been presented to the- President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it. originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the ‘ United States, has become a law without his approval.] February 18, 1w?. CHAP. 261.-An Act Granting a pension to Mary E. Ely. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United xg; Fly- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ' Interior be. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Mary E. Ely, widow of Ralph Ely, late lieutenantcolonel Eighth Michigan Volunteers, and pay her a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month. Received by the President, February 6, 1897. [Norm nr THE DEPARTMENT or STATE.-The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] F¤b¤’¤¤¤’5’ 1% WW- CHAP. 262.-Au Act To increase the pension of Caroline A. Hough, widow of ""‘""_';`“` Brigadier-General John Hough. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ]j::;]¥l:_; 13*;:5*- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ' Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to place the name of Caroline A. Hough, widow of the late Brigadier-General John Hough, upon the pension roll, subiect to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, and grant her a pension of fifty dollars per month, in lieu of the pension of seventeen dollars per month which she is now receiving. Received by the President, February 6, 1897. [NOTE nr THE DEPARTMENT or STATE.-The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval,