Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/970

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INDEX. 947 Fort €idwe% Cal., Psze- Fort Steven, Orog., H86- to e use for Indian trainin school. 698 appropriation for - e and fo si - Err! Bliss Military Rcservatiou,%'u:., pp Inal . . . . E. .§ 418 right of way throngh, to El Paso and North- Fort Thomas, Ky. , eastern Railroad Company .. -... 386 condemned cannon donated to ... - 494 Fort D. A._Rinaell, lfryo., _ Fort Tompkins, N. Y., appropriation lor improving .. -. .. 441 appropriation for removing light-house to Fort Dodge, Iowa, Fort Wadsworth .. . 417 t¤r¤is_cf court. .. . ... 2 Fort 1'otim, N. Dak. Fart lane, _ _ appropriation for lndiau school .. 347 appropriation for consul at .. . ... 35, 586 Fort Wudmcorlh, M Y., Fort Ethan Allen Military Reservation, Vt., appropriation for light-house and fog sigappropriation for additional land . 441 nal; removedgrom FortTom kins-. 417 Fort Ha Z Agency, Idaho, Fort Wayne Military Reservation, Hier., appropriation for Indian agent at 322 appropriation for improving . .. .. 441 Fort Hall Indians, Fort Worth, Tu., appropriation for support, etc., of. 327 terms of court, gte ,,,,,_,,,,,_,, ,_,, _ ____ 456 for commission to treat for cession of Forlycaiioaa, lands, etc .. . ... 342 appropriation for gun and mortar bat· Fort Hall 1{eaerration, Idaho, teries . . . . 257, 641 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians for gun and mortar, etc., contracts an- _ 0D . -. .. 337 thorized . .. 257 deficiency appropriation for support, etc., to meet contracts 641 0f Indians on .. . ... 809 report on care, etc ... 6u Fort Harrisma, Mont., for sites for defenses ... .. 257. 611 appropriation for buildings .. .. .. 441 tbr preservation and repair. . . 251, wz Fort Klamath Hag Reservation, Omg., for plans . ..,,.,, 257, 642 lands in, open to homestead entry 84 for sea walls and em bankments .. 257. 642 Fort Leavemworlla, Kami., for protection of Sandy Hook beach- . . . 642 appropriation for Infantry and Cavalry for torpedoes for harbor defense .. 257. 612 School ,. - 444, 618 for armament . ... 257, 612 for United States Penitentiary . 450 for steel for coast-defense gum ... 257, 642 detlciency appropriation ior site, peniten- for carriages . 257,6;;* tiary .,._...,.,_, , ,.,., , ____, . ...,. 481 for mortars; earrings . ... 257, 612 penitentiary to be returned to War Depart- for steel for l2?]:-power guns; carriages. 642 ment on completion of proposed for breech-lo ing mortars; carriages. -. 642 building .. - .. . . . ... 380 for deck piercing, etc., shells . 257,642 Fort Lewis Military Reservation, Colo., for armonpiercing shot .. --.- 257, 642 restored to public domain; entry - 123 for reserve powder and projectiles . . 612 Fort Lyon Military Beuruation, acceptance of 12-inch shot .. . . 642 use ol} by Colorado for Soldiers' Home; fee for steel for high—p0wer guns; car- I.'3l}!YQd, ... .- .. 531 riages. ... 1.. . . 257 Fort Miplia, Po., , for breech-loading mortars; carriages .. 257 appropriation for naval magazine .--- 363 | for steel shell and shot .. . . . 258 Fort Mojave, Ariz., for finishing seacoast guns . .. 258. 613 appropriation for Indian school ... 346 s for guns made by contract .. . . 258. 613 Fart jlmp-ag, Va., for inspection expenses ...,.,._,.,,,,. 258, 643 appropriation for wharf expenses 261 ? for rapid-nre guns . . . ... 258 for roads, etc .. . . . . 261 2 for machine guns, musket caliber .. - 258 for sewer expenses . 261 j for tleld guns; carriages .. .  ::58 restrivtion amended for improving L hor tleltl mortem; carriages . .. 258 sewerage system ... 472 · forbruech-loadiugsiegerntlos; bowltzern; tor post-otllce building .. . . . 411 curriagu . . 258 for expenses, Artillery School. 444, 617 for siege mortars; carriages . . .. 25a Fort Morgan, .1 la., 1 {oral; ts; fuses; inspecting instmmentn. 25a repeal of right of way through reserve- hw powder and prqiectiles for inemv . . 258, M3 tion .. . 696 for powder and projectlles for proof. . 25K, M3 Fort Peck Agency, Mont., _ for plates for tests .. ... .. 258, 643 appropriation for Indian agent at 322 for cheunist, in vestl gating smokeless for support, etc., of Indians at. - - .. . 328 powder, etc .. . . .. 258. (N3 Fort Riley, Hana., nr nancestorekeeper. torank asnnajor. LGS appropriation for lmihlings . .--. 441 for armament chests . .. . . .. 643 for cavalry and light artillery school. .. 618 for expenses, Sandy Hook proving [mr Sill, Okla., around .. 259,613 appropriation for support, etc., of Apache for \ atertown Arsenal, gun-carriage prisoners ,... .-.- . . . 64 plant; wharf .. . . . . .. 259. 613 Fort Smith and |I'euter1•!'oal Railroad Coanpany, for Watervliet Arsenal, water supply. granted right of way, Indian Territory.. . 40 ctc .. - . . . Fort Smith, Ark., for Benicia Arsenal .. . . 259 extension of streets through reservation for Board of Ordnance and Fortiticaauthorized .. . ... . .. 596 , tion .. ._ .. . . . . 259, 644 jail and hospital reserved . .. ..,... .. - 597 for salary, civilian member. etc. .. 259, M-l disposal of old fort, 0tL* . ... . . 597 fol‘ tests, Eff? -.. .. 259, 644 sale of lntg; proceeds 597 examinations of right to use., etc., in, terms of court .. . -.. . .-··~--- 591 VQDHUDS --·--·----·----·-~·· . 259.61-l Fort Spokane .lliIitm·y Reaerration, Jl0n!.. for test of Howell counterpoise ear. right or way through, granted Saint Paul, riage .. 260 Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway A payments, etc., for liinery disappearing Company . . . ... 64*0 carriage, modified . . 260