950 Gila River Indian Reserration, Ariz., right of way through, to Hudson Reservoir and Canal Company.. Giles, Daniel, pension Gilliam, Richard H., deficiency appropriation for, Ford's Thea- ter disaster Gilman, Samuel D., pension. Girl's Reform School, D. C., appropriation for expenses.. deficiency appropriation for treasurer.. Glanders, D. C., provisions to prevent spread of. Glasgow, appropriation for consul at.. for clerk hire.... Glanchan, appropriation for consul at. Glencore, N. Y., 205 | appropriation for improvement of harbor. Gloetzner, Anton, real estate purchased by, released from forfeiture. 725 Gloucester, Mass., 203 appropriation for improvement of harbor. Glorer, James R., 291 deficiency appropriation for services...... Glorer, Josephine (widow), pension increased. 816 Goderich, appropriation for consul at... 35, 586 Gold, international conference to secure fixity of ratio between silver and, authorized 624 Gold Coins, 429 appropriation for recoinage... Goldwater, Samuel, pension... 733 Good Shepherd, House of the, D. C., 409, 682 appropriation for maintenance... Goodfellow, E., 277 deficiency appropriation for services...... Goodwyn, Albert T., deficiency appropriation for contested election expenses. 303 Goodyear, C. P. appropriation for paying, improving onter bar, Brunswick, Ga.. 208 Gosken Creek, N. J., 217 appropriation for improvement of.... "Gossoon," Yacht, deficiency appropriation for owners of.... 289 Gottenberg, appropriation for consul at...……………….. Goudelock, R. W., 35, 587 304 deficiency appropriation for services...... Gould, Fred L., 291 deficiency appropriation for services... Gould, Shubael, pension increased. 807 Government Exhibit, Tennessee Centennial, building to be contracted for... 698 Government Hospital for Insane, D. (., appropriation for support of indigent in- sane. 409, 681 for current expenses. 436 for general repairs 437 for special improvements.. 437 deficiency appropriation for electrical plant 22 Government Printing Office (see also Public Printing and Binding). appropriation for leaves of absence to em- ployees 453 453 pro rata; Record employees, etc. allowance for each fiscal year; to legal representatives 454 INDEX. Page. 527 815 274 776 410, 682 282 636 33, 585 36,588 34,586 Government Printing Office-Continned. appropriation for additional land; boiler house, etc.; condemnation deficiency appropriation for machinery, etc., addition for leaves of absence. for Samuel Robinson, William Madden.. Governors Island, N. Y., survey of channel directed between the Battery and.. Gowanus Bay, N. Y., harbor line established, Gowanus Creek Channel, N. Y., appropriation for improvement of; con- tracts Gowanus Creek, N. Y., appropriation for improvement of channel. survey of, directed.. Graceland Cemetery, D. C., conveyance of lands, by deed of trust au- thorized.. Grafton, Ill., bridge across Illinois River authorized at. Graham, Tex., terms of court at, abolished. Gramm, Frederick, military record corrected Grand Army of the Republic, loan of tents for annual encampment, Buf- falo, N. Y.. condemned cannon donated for annual en- campment. Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery Associa- tion, Colo., condemned cannon, etc., donated to...... Grand Canyon Forest Reserre, Ariz., right of way granted Flagstaff and Canyon Railroad Company. Grand Forks, N. Dak., construction of bridge authorized across Red River of the North. Grand Haren, Mich., appropriation for improvement of har- bor.. Grand Junction, Colo., appropriation for Indian school Grand Lake, La., I appropriation for lighting.. Grand Marais, Mich., appropriation for improvement of harbor of refuge. Grand Marais, Minn., appropriation for improvement of harbor. Grand Rirer, Mich., appropriation for improvement of Grand Ronde Agency, Oreg., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians of 1 Grant County, N. Mex., issue of bonds by, validated.. Grant, John, alias John J. Guerin, granted honorable discharge Grant, Kate (widow), pension increased.. Grant Park, Galena, Ill., transfer of a captured cannon from Rock Island Arsenal to Grapes, distillers of brandy from, exempt from gen- eral spirit regulations... Gray, Edwin N., deficiency appropriation for judgment against District of Columbia.. Gray, Eliza Jaqua, deficiency appropriation for... Gray, William, payment to.. Page. 454 299 299 300 241 205 205 205 242 620 131 457 728 703 703 129 253 533 211 347 419 211 213 226 338 488 820 738 96 195 282 268 726