Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/986

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INDEX. 963 nm, Sarah 12. mam), P`"` Lquum mmm; asa mum: Esperanza- Pm' pension increased 791 C., ti sd ’ ·---·· - ----- ... . on nu . Lajlore Cqunly, Mina., _ commissioners of district courts, persons I YIM; bridge Yazoo River at Greenwood 628 f disqugliisd ,,,,,___,________,,_____ 184 .ega wsu, ses; record, sto . .. .. .. 184 ap nm riatinn for repairs ,,_,__________ ,,, 583 ggpqgg b Ammo -(;·¤°;·;] n m s ii)? £1¤P¤¢f·i¤¤ of ---· · .. 587 tig: of chris, to bs mzds?. .???.5_ 185 Legn, Eugene, 1 annual report of oxpsmss of attorneys and dnticlcncydafpprepriation for, F¤rd’s Thea- 1 masks]; _____,_____________________ 185 Mr unter .. . . . 274 | repeal provision .- . .. 186 Legliora, _ _ · courts excepted from provisions of this act . 186 spprupnstwu for consul st .. 35, 587 correction of nppropristion for relief, ctc., Lcgillalire, Executive, and Judicial Expenses ofAmg;-iggn gggmqg ,________,_, __,_ 186 ( see also Department of A griculturs), disposal of money in registry of court uulpiprogngluticu for legislative expenses. . 140, 538 claimed for tg; ygus ,,,. ,. ,_,. , ,.,, 578 or nate . . .. . .. 140, 538 Ldpofc, for Capitol police .. . . . . . . 143, 541 npgmprintinn for mmm] st .. . ... 34, 586 for Congressional Directory .. . . . . 143, 541 t clark hits . . . .. 36, 588 for Home of Representatives . 143, 541 Leith (sus also Edinburgh) for Public Printer, ctc . .. ---. 146, 544 appropriation Im- consul at ...,,,. ., ., 33 got gbnvgf gcngress .- ... . 146, 544 iorlclerk hire .. . ..,,. . . 36 or tune aren ... --.- 147546 i gonoy Ida , for oxssutivo expenses; President 147, 546 sppropristiion for Indian agent at . ... 322 {or {lcs-Prosicgnt .. . .-- . 14;; 546 for s?pgx-t, etc., of Indians of the . 337 or scutivo Bice .. . ... 14 546 Loproq . . for Civil Service Commission . 147; 547 , regu ’tions in prevent ssaread of .. ... . 638 for Department of Stats ... . . 147, 547 Letter Balances, etc., Pom: Service, correct footings of pangraghs to do- appropriation for . . . ... 314, 645 f T tannins amount qzproprmtsd -. L•tle;rCa;irie;i:; f r 314 M_ or r•••m·yDep•rtmen . u 0 a n 0 . . 0 colhctin internal revenue . 158.555 Luisa Irork, Big Sandy River, Ky., 7 Indqpcmfgnt Treasury .. w gg Letvpprgcxiistiou for improvement of . . . . 224 mints an assay olilccs . ,cv ., . government in the Territories .. 160, 560 appropriation for iron pier .. . 207 for Wn- Dqurtment .. . .. 161, 560 Lewis and Clarke Forcat lteservatio-n, Mont., ublic buildings and grounds .. 163, 562 I proclamation setting apart . .- 907 gtsto, lVsr, and Navy Department 5 Lewis, Olive M. (mother), { Il:r¤ild¥ . lg, x i penguin .. . . . . - .-.-··--. 789 or av mont .. . . . Leairor as . for lntgior Bzgnrtment . . 167; 566 proliminsiry examination of North Fork cf, survcyors·g•¤•sr•1 .. . ... 172, 571 ic be made ..--- --- - 238 rm- ;·;•t·0Gc• ment . .. E3, gf, --6 . . . 243 or partmen 0 us cs. ... _ M•¤vc!••_ 9 po MIPGQIQ _ for Dcgiartrfmut of Labor .. . .. max l7!l(:;8YN1lg‘2l'I Rxvor, Levnstim, 1\. Y- 134 f¤"so uses . 'ao¤¢.. fg; `ijuiigi $$2,:; courts ,,.,,.., . . 177; 576 bridge, acress'Niagara River authorized at- 131 for Court of Claims .. 178, 578 Leaaingtmr Bridge and Tensinal Cmnpany, _ mts of pay, assistant messengers, ctc., time extended for bridging Missoun Rnvor estsbijshsd ,,,,,,.,,,,,.. . . . . 179, 578 _ at Lexington, M0. . . 514 distribution of work of clerks, etc .. I. 179 Lapngton, Ma., _ _ _ _ _ _ annual 1-spur; of ttqlipzusncies, etc., m 179 4 tnmeoxtcudcdforbudgnngllnssoun Rnvsrut 514 ts to ma s. .. L•b¢¤` 'G deposizcstg ::011; s of the United States in i appropriation for minister resident and hands of cllsbursing cdicsrs, etc 179 consul-general 28,580 all {us, sts_, of district attorneys and mar- _ for secretary oflcgation- .-- ... 29, 580 shalstlclbsbccgsrog irzavtgogremury. Labrunan gftp'm•¥r¢ss, _ tm t 544 It 's e 1- is c n ams s.. V appro rm mn or- appmn en .. gassisqtalagsdistiict atscrnoys; sppointuisnt I to mage rules and isgulations for Library. 5 I4 mul salaries .. . . . ... 181 ¥ to select assistants, etc, ; qualifications .. . 544 salaries established for marshals .. 181 bond required .. . ... . . 546 deputy marshals, atc.; appointment and 1 I _:£;1n¤u??0rtto be submitted to Congress . 546 Hala IB]..,...,,,..,,,.-.,., 82i AI G7'y0 Ongfflll fisle] depn; marshals . . .. i . . i.:. 182 nppropriqtion ih? Libxzriséi .. . 146, 2 i ubl Il nn 0 ccrs n csr mn uppom men · am on y . . 0 ( 0 ztgtezf. U?. .? .. .. 183 for assistants, xittzeudnnts, ctc . 146, 544 gllnwuiirg nftrnvcl, ctr., expenses of mil'- 183 ;0l' sutpcrintcxitlcnts oigdenzrtmenits, ctc. nb is .. or rc ereuce i mary 'apn o ... ri 5 rsm|»¤i\sne1pnyr:ns¤t nf expanse accounts {or bmj library, sunpsrilcgsendeur, sw. s · sl ance .,.. . ‘ or mgm er n copyrr s ... .a .>

rlcrissl assistance: . 183 . for clcrks on copyriggts  . . 146, B4?

sslsries nf nttorlnoys, marshals, utc., psy- 183 f duties repzras; fone: .. , .,,., whs all, it l . .. . ... orpurc secu no sec . . . t,,,,;;,,,; 3g';;. gut gimme} . 183for contiqgent expenses .. . . .. 146: 54§ penalty tbr accepting, etc., unauthorized . for copynght exyenses . 1..: .. 146, 54n thas or failing to render accounts. .. 183 for supermtcm ent, of buxlding uml commissioners cg(;·1r¢·3it cnnrts abolished IM I grimuds, cle;}::, sngma-ers, etc, . $5 fcc J 1 . ,18 .. · · mu · repor 0 'ongress 5 mmmi:sioi1<~rsn:f district courts crested; i all agipointmeuts to be solely with rofappoimmsgt; terms, etc . ... 184 Hence to iitucss .. . . -... 545