Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/318

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Specific appropriations.For compensation to the messenger and assistant messenger in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, seven hundred and ten dollars.

For expense of translating foreign languages, allowance to the person employed in transmitting passports and sea letters, and for stationery and printing in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, one thousand one hundred dollars.

For defraying the expenses of issuing treasury notes, a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars.

For stating and printing the public accounts, for the years one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, two thousand dour hundred dollars.

For compensation to the comptroller of the treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the clerks employed in the office of the comptroller of the treasury, being the sum appropriated for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, thirteen thousand three hundred and sixteen dollars and five cents.

For compensation to the messenger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars.

For compensation to additional clerks to be employed in the office of the comptroller of the treasury, two thousand two hundred dollars.

For expense of stationery, printing, and contingent expenses in the comptroller’s office, eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the auditor of the treasury, three thousand dollars.

For compensation to the clerks employed in the auditor’s office, being the sum appropriated for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, ten thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars and sixty-five cents, and the further sum of two thousand five hundred dollars.

For compensation to the messenger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars.

For compensation to additional clerks to be employed in the office of the auditor, four thousand dollars.

For expense of stationery, printing, and contingent expenses in the auditor’s office, eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the treasurer, three thousand dollars.

For compensation to the clerks employed in the treasurer’s office, being the sum appropriated for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, four thousand two hundred and forty dollars and four cents.

For compensation to the messenger in said office, four hundred and ten dollars.

For compensation to additional clerks to be employed in the treasurer’s office, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For expenses of stationery, printing, and contingent expenses in the treasurer’s office, eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, three thousand dollars.

For compensation to the clerks employed in the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, ten thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the messenger in said office four hundred and ten dollars.

For stationery, printing, and contingent expenses in the General Land Office, including vellum for land patents, three thousand seven hundred dollars.

For arrears in compensation due to the chief clerk in the office of the said commissioner, three hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.