Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/11

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X]; LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. War snalerials exportation ohibiied. Joint resolution to rohibit the ex ort of coal or other - material used in warlifrom any seaport of the United States. April 2g, 1898._ .. . _ 739 Distric! of Columbia, monument. Joint resolution authorizing the National Reunion Monument Association to erect a monument in the city of Washington to the Union soldiers, sailors, and marines of the war of the rebellion. April 25, 18% . : ._ .. - . : , 739 War Deparhnest publications. Joint resolution anthoriziplg the printing of extra copies of the military publications of the War Department. Ap25, 1898 . .. Z .-1. .. . --s-. 739 House of Bsprcacntatires. Joint resolution providing for the compilation and printing of parliamentary precedents of the House of Representatives. April 25, 1898 ..-. ·--- -·---- - ------ 740 Survey of rirer. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to make a surrey of the West Fork River, West Virginia. and prepare estimates of the cost thereof. 29, 1898 .. 740 Navy, msdalrof honor. Joint resolution relative to the medal of honor anthem ed by the acts of _ December twenty-ilrst, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and July sixteenth, eighteen hunersa and sixty-awe. May 4, 1898 .. .. .. . . ._ 1 .- 741 Humboldt .%arbé•5·é Cal. Joint resolution for the improvement of Humboldt Harbor, California. nl Ma 1 .. . - -- .. . . Hi11ubm·oYBa9, Flu. Joint resolution directing the Secretary of War to submit plans and estimates for the proposed improvement o Hillsboro Bay, Florida, from its confluence with Tampa Bay, through Hillsboro Bay and River, to the city of Tampa. May 7, 1898 741 Cosuumdore George Dewey, etc. Joint resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to Commodore George Igewgy, Urgtegggtates Navy, and to the officers and men of the squadron under his Tu common . a 1 , 1 ... .. .. . . ...- -. ...--- Tennessee compromise, {lc. Joint resolution providing for the adinatrnent of certain claims of the United States against the State of Tennessee, and certain claims of the State of Tennessee ‘ t the United States. May 12, 1898 .. -- .. .. . ... . . ... 7¢$ 0naLaaEpll:»·sition. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to rent lighting apparatus for Government building at 'rene-Mississippi and International Exposition. 743 · May 18, 1898 .. . ... . ... . .. ... . • Volunteer Soldieri Home. Joint resolution appointingfour members of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol 'ers. May 24, 1898 .. . . . ... ---. 744 Navy. Joint resolution providing for the organization and enrollment of the United States Auxiliary Naval Force. May 26, 1898 . ... . ... 744 Navy. tilegqnt resolution riwng and confirming certain temporary appointments of omcers of 745 e a . Ma 26, -- .. .. . . .. .. . Public lands. vlloint rzsolntiou declaring the lands within the former Mille Lac Indian Reservation, in Minnesota, to be subject to entry uuderthe lsndlawsof the UnitedStates. May 27, 1898. 745 Sabine Pan. Joint resolution calling u n the Secretary of War for information concerning the port of Sabine Pass. Maly 28, 18K . . . . ... . .. 745 Cssusuodere George Dewey, de. oint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to present a sword of honor to Commodore George Dewey, and to cause to be struck bronze medals commemorating the battle of Manila Bay, and to distribute such medals to the officers and men of the ships of the Asiatic Squadron of the United States. June 3, 1898 ---. . 746 Beet sugar industry. Joint resolution providing for the printing of House Document Number Jhree4 lgnndred and ninety-six relating to the beet sugar industry in the United States. une , 8%. .. -... . . . . . . 746 Tampa Bay, Flu. Joint resolution diroctinglthe Socretargof War to submit plans and estimates for the improvement of Tampa Bay, orida, from crt Tampa to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico. une 4, 1898 .. . . . . ..,.. , ..,,,,,. _ ___,,__ ____ 746 Condemned cannon. Joint resolution donating a condemned cannon to the Thirty-second National Encampmeut of the Grand Army of the Republic. June 6, 1898 .. 747 Diatrid of Co sssbia. Joint resolution authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to locate a cab service, and for other purposes. June 7, 1898. . ... .. . . . .. .. 747 Shsbo%® Wis. Joint resolution for a survey of the harbor of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. June 8, . . .. . . . . .. . . . ..._, _ _,__,_________ _ ______ 747 Army. Joint resolution authorizing the President in his discretion to waive the one—year suspension from pignmotiou and to order reexamination of officers of the Army in certain cases. June 14, 1 . ... 747 Rebellion jlags. Joint resolution instructing the Secretary of War to return to the State of Ohio the iiags of certain regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Also to restore to the State of ljew 1;;-]; gi: tlag carried by the One hundred and thirteenth New York Volunteer Infantry. UDB , . - . - ..,,,,,_ _ _________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ 7 Wallahoul Channel, N Y. Joint resolution directing the Secretary of \\'ar to submit estimates 48 for work npon YV3]labont Channel, New York, Jung 16, 1898 ,,____, ___ ,_,,,,_,,, ,, ____,_ 748 Chicago, Milwaukee, and Sl. Paul Railway. Joint resolution to authorize and direct the Sccrctarv of the Treasury to refund and return to the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company fifteen thousand three hundred and thirty·five dollars and seventv·six cents in accordance with the decision of the Secretary of the Interior dated March third eighteen hundred and ninetyeight. June 25, 1898 ,, , _ ,,.,..,. ,- ,_ _. _,__ ,__. ..., I ._.__ ,_,. 748 Public laude decisions. Joint resolution providing for the printing of additional co ies of certain volumes of decisions of the Department of the Interior relating to public lands for sale and distribution, June 28, 1898 ,,,,,___,, __ __________________,,_,___________,__,,_,,___ 749 Adjutant-Hencral’s (Mice. Joint resolution relating to the purchase of law books books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers for the military information division, Ad_iutant~General’s I 0H5g3e_ Rjnng 29, 189;§f ___,_,,___________________ _ __ ______ _ ____,_____________,___ 749 San . oar aiu irer, etc., Ca i ornia. Joint resolution for im rovementoI--Dau stiwkton and Mormon channels, California. July 1, {*898 . ... r ml 750 Hawaiian Islands. Joint resolution to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the Stntgy Jnly ;_ 1898 ______,_ ____ ____, ______ _ ____________ _ __________ , _____ , ,,______ 750