Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1142

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1104 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. On. 424. 1899. risb¢i¤z- LIGHTING THE EXEGUTIVE MANSION AND PUBLIC GROUNDS: For gas, pay of lamplighters, gas litters, and laborers; purchase, erection, , . and repair of lamps and lampposts; purchase of matches, and repairs of all kinds; stoves, fuel, and lights for office, office stable, watchmen’s lodges, and for the greenhouses at the nursery, twelve thousand five P·‘·¤>,*¤- t hm hundred dollars: Provided, That for each Eve-foot burner not connected ' mw P' with a meter in the lamps on the public grounds not more than twenty dollars shall be paid per lamp for gas, including lighting, cleaning, and keeping the lamps in repair, under any expenditure provided for in this gc" b'"'" °"°'-V "*¤'**· Act; and said lamps shall burn every night on the average from fifteen ` minute after sunsetto forty-five minutes before sunrise; and authority is hereby given to substitute other illuminating material for the same or less price, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropriated as · Self-res ¤l•¤i¤g may be necessary for that purpose: Provided, That before any expendib""'"" tures are made from the appropriations herein provided for, the con- ' tracting gas company shall equip each lamp with a self—regulating burner and tip, so combined and adjusted as to secure, under all ordinary variations of pressure and density, a con umption of live cubic ' feet of gas per hour. Electric lights. For lighting six arc electric lights in Executive Mansion grounds within the iron fence three hundred and sixty- live nights, at not exceed- - lng twenty-five cents per light per night, which shall cover the entire costto the United States of lighting and maintaining in good order each electric light in said grounds, five hundred and forty-seven dollars and my cents. —x>¤·k¤.¤¢<=- For lighting arc electric lights in public grounds as follows: For seyen in grounds south of the Executive Mansion, at not exceeding twenty cents per light per night; for thirty-two in Lafayette, Franklin, Judiciary, and Lincoln parks, and fourteen in grounds south of Executive Mansion and in Monument Park, at not exceeding twenty-five cents per light per night, which sums shall cover the entire cost of lighting and maintaining in good order each of said arc electric lights; in all, four thousand seven hundred and eight dollars and fifty cents, one—ha1f of which sum shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. iR¤1>¤ir ¤f W¤t¤¤ REPAIR OF WATER PIPES: For repairing and extending water pipes, PP"' purchase of apparatus for cleaning them, purchase of hose, and for , cleaning the springs and repairing and renewing the pipe of the same that supply the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the building for tibia State, War, and Navy Departments, two thousand five hundred o ars. Defelcsrsptn. <’i·pi¤¤1. TELEGRAPH T0 CONNECT THE (lAP1TOL WITH THE DEPARTMENTS ’”“°"'°“ '·°“‘ AND Govnnzumur PRINTING 4 >r1~*1cE: For care and repair of existing lines, one thousand five hundred dollars. msX:¤h*¤¤°¤ M°¤¤· WASHINGTON MONUMENT: For the care and maintenance of the mmmmes. Washington Monument, namely: For one custodian, at one hundred dollar per month; one steam engineer, at eighty dollars per month; one assistant steam engineer, at sixty dollars per month; one Hreman, at fifty dollars per month; one assistant fireman, at forty-five dollars per month; one conductor of elevator car, at seventy-five dollars per month; one attendant on floor, at sixty dollars per month; one attendant on top floor, at sixty dollars per month; three night and day watchmen, at sixty dollars per month each; in all, eight thousand Eve hundred and twenty dollars. —f¤¢1·¤zM-¤*<>· For hiel, lights, oil, waste, packing tools, matches, paints, brushes, brooms,_lanterus, rope, nails, screws, lead, electric lights, heating apparatus, oil stoves for elevator car and upper and lower floors, repairs to engines, boilers, dynamos, elevator, and repairs of all kinds connected with the Monument and machinery, and purchase of all necessary articles for_keeping the Monument, machinery, elevator, and electriclight plant in good order, three thousand dollars.