Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/121

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82 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1897. “°¤'°- *1**- For support of Indian industrial school at Pierre, South Dakota, at not to exceed one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum for each pupil, and for general repairs and improvements, twenty-five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars; for pay of superintendent of sand school, Epo tholnisrand five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-seven thousand and _ ty 0 s. ‘ _ '*"'°°"°· “‘°"· For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the Ind1an school, Pipestone, Minnesota, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each, sixteen thousand seven hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand two hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, twenty-five hundred dollars; for school building and dormitory, to be built of stone, ten thousand dollars; in _ all, thirty thousand four hundred dollars. “'P*‘ °‘°Y· “""· For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils, Rapid City, South Dakota, at-one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each,

ixteen thousand seven hundred dollars; for pay of superintendent,

one thousand two hundred dollars; for equipment and minor improvements, two thousand dollars; for water supplyand sewer, nve thousand B¤i¤i¤z».¤¤·=- dollars; for erection of stable, one thousand dollars; for erection of workshop, one thousand five hundred dollars; for erection of laundry, one thousand dollars; for erection of hospital, one thousand five hundred dollars; for construction of, main building, seven hundred dollars, to blimmvlimir ¤*•¤•· be immediately available; for salary of superintendent of construction, ’ eight hundred dollars, to be immediately available; in all, thirty-one thousand four hundred dollars. s•1m,oi·¤g. For support and education of three hundred pupils at the Indian school, Salem, Oregon, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each, nity thousand one hundred dollars- for pay of uperintendent at said school, one thousand six hundred dollars; for the erection of a school and assembly building, and dining hall and kitchen, and other necessary buildings, fifteen thousand dollars; for general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars; in all, seventy-one thousand seven hundred dollars. ssc me rox mw- For the support and education of seventy-five Indian pupils, Sac and ""°"·I°"‘· Fox Reservation, Iowa, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each, twelve thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars; for pay of superintendent, one thousand dollars; for equipment and minor improvements, one thousand dollars; in all, fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars. S¤¤¤ F¤· N·M¤¤- For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school at Santa Fe, New Mexico, at one hundred and sixty- seven dollars each per annum, forty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thousand six hundred dollars; for water supply for irrigation and fire protection, one thousand ilve hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, eight thousand dollars; for erection of additional buildings, ten thpusand dollars; in all, sixty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty do lars. “£l1·¢#¤¤• R·¤¢=v¤— For upport and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils at ' y°' the Indian school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyoming, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each, twenty-tive thousand and fifty dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school, one thonsand four hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. Tomah. Wis For the support and education of one hundred and twenty-tive Indian pupils at the Indian school, Tomah, Wisconsin, at one hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum each, twenty thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; for pay of superintendent at said school one thousand four hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; for erection of school building, ten thousand 33;% in all, thirty-tive thousand two hundred and seventy-five