Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1257

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 427. 1899. 1219 good shortage discovered during the count, by hand, of the standard silver dollars on storage in the vaults of the mint, said shortage being in no wise the result of any fault or negligence on his part, namely, one hundred and sixty-three dollars. V GOVERNMENT IN 1*111: TERRITORIES.rei-iietms. For contingent expenses of the Territory of Oklahoma, to be 0k1al¤>m¤· expended by the governor for rents, private secretary, stenographer C°”m“g°“°“p"'"S‘ and typewriter, and typewriter supplies, janitor, messenger, fuel, lights, stationery and printing, postage, telegrams, furniture for office, express, and other incidentals, five hundred dollars. For payment of outstanding accounts set forth on page tive, House 0¤¢¤¢¤¤·ii¤g nc- Document Numbered One hundred aud eighty-five, of this session, on °°““°“` account of legislative expenses, Territory of Oklahoma, for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, eight hundred and twenty dollars and seventy cents. For payment of expenditures necessarily incurred in the care and ww F<¢·N-M<¤- protection of the Adobe Palace, Santa Fe, New Mexico, during the Pang2m t° Ad°b° iiscal year ended June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, two hundred and fourteen dollars and twelve cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting oincers of the Treasury A1‘i¤°¤¤ on account of the appropriation “Legislative expenses, Territory of Arizona," for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, one hundred and sixty-three dollars.

   Fish Commission.

For the completion of the iish-cultural station of the United States Nashu¤,N.H. Commission of Fish and Fisheries at Nashua, New Hampshire, including the construction of a dwelling for the superintendent, seven thousand dollars. · For the completion of the ish-cultural station of the United States M¤¤¤b·=¤wr.I¤w¤. Commission of Fish and Fisheries at Manchester, Iowa, including construction of ponds and dams for the promotion of the water supply, six thousand dollars. For repair, construction, and improvement of buildings and ponds L¤mvi11¤,c01¤. and improvement of grounds at the fish-cultural station of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries at Leadville, Colorado, four · thousand dollars. For the construction of ponds and completion of the superintendents 1¤•>z¤¤¤¤¤.M¤¤¤. residence at the fish-cultural station ot the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries at Bozeman, Montana, one thousand five hundred dollars. For repair, construction, and improvement of buildings and wliarves woods n»i¤,Mm. and improvement of grounds at the lish-cultural station of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, five thousand dollars. For the construction or purchase of a steam launch for use at the -1¤¤¤¤1¤. lish—cultural stations of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries at Woods Hole and Gloucester, Massachusetts, seven thousand dollars. For the payment of outstanding liabilities incurred during the iiscal Hema Lake scream. yen; eighteen hundred and ninety-eight for rent of grounds and fishing °· privileges at Grand Lake Stream, Mmne, one hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents. For building new railway car for distribution of live fishes to replace New railway cu. car numbered four, eight thousand dollars. _ For construction of a new wharf at the United States Fish Commis- W¤¤¤f¤¤Gl¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- sion station at Gloucester, Massachusetts, to replace one destroyed by storms, two thousand five hundred dollars.