Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1295

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 429. 1899. 1257 54. Obtaining goods or writing by false 63. Injury to monuments, etc. __ pretenses. _ 64. Trespassing on improved lands. 55. Malicious or wanton injury to ani- 65. Fast driving over public bridge. mals or other personal property. 66. Trespassing on lands of another. 56. Destroying boat or vessel with intent 67. Trespassing on inclosed lands. to defraud owner or owner of goods 68. Evidence of notice. _ laden thereon. 69. Using false weight, etc. 57. Fitting out vessel with intent to be 70. Opening or publishing contents of destroyed. sealed letter. 58. Making or exhibiting false bill of 71. Fraudulently producing heir. lading. 72. Substituting another child for infant. 59. Malring conveyance without title 73. Omcer, etc., of corporation falsifying with intent to defraud. records. 60. Boom, bridge, road, wharf, etc. 74. Officer, etc., of corporation publish- 61. Setting lire to prairie. ing false reports. 62. Injury to fruit trees, fence , etc. 75. Trespass on mining claims. Sec. 31. That if any person shall willfully and maliciously burn any l¤e>¤ by burnin; dwelling house of another, or shall willfully or maliciously set lire to :iQ°i,l#i°,$,,,h°"°° "' any building owned by himself or another, by the burning whereof any dwelling house of another shall be burned such person shall be deemed guilty of arson, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than ten nor more than twenty years. · Sec. 32. That if any person shall willfully and maliciously burn t;_¤¤g¤_ by b¤r¤i¤s any church, court-house, townhouse, meetinghou e, asylum, college, i¤.E§r`"im:.Z{“ °'° °°°° academy, schoolhouse, prison, jail, or other public building erected or used for public uses, or any steamboat, ship, or other vessel, or any banking house, warehouse, express office, storehouse, manufactory, mill, barn, stable, shop, or office of another, or shall willfully and maliciously set tire to any building or boat owned by himself or another, by the burning whereof any edifice, building, boat, or vessel mentioned in this section shall be burned such person shall be deemed guilty of arson, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than five nor more than llflseen years. Sec. 33. That if any person shall willfully and maliciously burn any Mnlwicunlyburuing building whatsoever of another other than those specified in sections °°°°' °““'u""‘ thirty-one and thirty-two, or shall willfully and maliciously burn any bridge, lock, dam, or Hume of another, or erected or used for public uses,

uch person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment

in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than ten years. Sec. 34. That the preceding sections of this chapter shall each m.§m¤m_¤ w¤¤g¤i<>¤¤ extend to and include a married woman who may commit either of the tenil to liinir mah crimes therein specified, though the property burned or set on tire may ‘“’"*°"- belong wholly or in part to her husband. Sec. 35. That if any person shall willfully and maliciously burn any __,_{{m:_~;¤:’·;v*»·¤r:;i;·,s: pile or parcel of boards or other lumber, timber, or wood; or any stack pmuum. °“° of hay, grain, or other vegetable product; or any hay, grain, or other vegetable product severed from the soil, but not stacked; or any growing grass or grain, or other growing vegetable productof the soil, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than six months nor more than three years. Sec. 36. That if any person shall willfully burn or in any other manner Burning wm: umme injure or destroy any property whatever which is at the time insured *° ““'"° ""'“"'· against loss or damage by fire or other casualty, with intent to defraud or prejudice the insurer, whether the same be the property of such person or of any other, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than three nor more than seven years. Sec. 37 That if any person shall break and enter any dwelling house inB¤{_s,§* Lrg; in which there is at the time some human being, with intent to commit mls. g a crime therein, or, having entered with such intent, shall break any . such dwelling house or be armed with a dangerous weapon therein, or assault any person lawfully therein, such person shall be deemed guilty of burglary, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than fifteen years.