Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/137

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98 FDITY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4. 1897. nsw.; me Aar. 7. Rowing boats, whether under oars or sail, shall have ready L““‘“`“‘ at hand a lantern showing a white light Wl1I0h shall be temporarily exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision. _ _ rnsevsssens en pi- Ancr. 8. Pilot-vessels when engaged on their station on pilotage duty

  • °“¤° ‘*°“*’· shall not show the lights required for other vessels, but shall carry a

white light at the masthead, visible all around the horizon, and shall also exhibit a iiare-up light or flare-up lights at short intervals, which shall never exceed fifteen minutes. _ Ar1>¤>•¤l¤ ¤f or ¤> On the near approach of or to other vessels they shall have their ‘ °°‘°"°'°°l" side-lights lighted, ready for use, and shall Hash or show them at short intervals, to indicate the direction in which they are heading, but the green light shall not be shown on the port side nor the red light on the starboar side. _S¤ch ss so •1·>¤g A pilot-vessel of such a class as to be obliged to go alongside of a “‘°°°‘ "°"°1’°°°‘ vessel to put a pilot on board may show the white light instead of car- ’ rying it at the masthead, and may, instead of the colored lights above mentioned, have at hand, ready for use, a lantern with a green glass on the one side and a red glass on the other, to be used as prescribed above. 1>u¤¤v•••¤l•n¢¤¤ Pilot-vessels, when not engaged on their station on pilotage duty, P“"“‘°°"”‘ shall carry lights similar to those of other vessels of their tonnage. Fishing vessels of Anr. 9. Sa) Fishing-vessels of less than ten gross tons, when under $_ §',,'j'u"$,‘}yg§§§’ way and w en not having their nets, trawls, dredges, or lines in the main.' water, shall not be obliged to carry the colored sidelights; but every such vessel shall, in lieu thereof, have ready at hand a lantern with a green glass on one side anda red glass on the other side, and on approaching to or being approached by another vessel such lantern shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the starboard side. onnguunsm- (b) All fishing-vessels and ilshing-boats of ten gross tons or upward, `“1“'““· when under way and when not having their nets, trawls, dredges, or lines indthe water, shall carry and show the same lights as other vesse s nn er way,. vssssi when mm. (c) All vessels, when trawling, dredging, or fishing with any kind of

  • ¤K·°°°~ dragnets or lines, shall exhibit, from some part of the vessel where

they can be best seen, two lights. One of these lights shall be red and the other shall be white. The red light shall be above the white light, and shall be at a vertical distance from it of not less than six feet and not more than twelve feet; and the horizontal distance between them, if any, shall not be more than ten feet. These two lights shall be of such a character and contained in lanterns of such construction as to be visible all round the horizon, the white light a distance of not less than three miles and the red light of not less than two miles. nam status: mn. (dg Rafts, or other water craft not herein provided tor, navigating by °*°· han power, horse power, or by_the current of the river, shall carry one or more good white lights, which shall be placed in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam esse s. vssssis being ms., Anr. 10. A vessel which is being overtaken b another except a

    • "°“ by ““°‘*‘°"· steam-vessel with an after range-light showing all Saround the horizon,

shall show from her stern to such last-mentioned vessel a white light or a iiare—up light. I d _ 'Vessels miss one ABT. ll. A vesse un er one hundred and fifty feet in len th when

’,{*g};3,j",{g’,‘jji,§,§,f;°“ at anchor shall carry forward, where it can best be seen. but atgu, height

not exceeding twenty feet above the hull, a white light, in a lantern so constructed as to show a clear, uniform, and unbroken light visible all arcund the horizon at a distance of at least one mile. one hundred and A vessel of one hundred and fifty feet or upwards in length when at ,*‘,f',{’,u$_ °' **1****** anchor shall carry in the forward part of the vessel, at a height of not less than twenty and not exceeding forty feet above the hull, one such light, and at or near the stern of the vessel, and at such a height that 1t shall be not less than fifteen feet lower than the forward light, another such light.