Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1388

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1350 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 435, 436. 1899. P*·¤>i*¢>· of torty-eight months from the date of original ga nge: Prové ded, however, Maximum allow- . . . mee. That the allowance for loss llBI'61Il authorized shall not exceed nine and one-half gallons for forty-nine, nfty, fifty-one, and nfty-two months; ten gallons for fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-tive, and fifty-six months; ten and one-half gallons for fiftyseven, fifty-eight, fifty-nme, and srxty months; eleven gallons for sixtyone, sixty-two sixty-three an sixty-four months; eleven and one-half gallons for sixty- five,, sixty-six, sixty- seven, and sixty-eight months; twelve gallons for sixty-nine, seventy, seventy-one, and seventy-two months- twelve and one-half gallons for seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-flye, and seventy-six months; thirteen gallons for seventyseven seventy-eight seventymine and eighty months; and thirteen and ond-half gallons for eighty-one,,eighty-two, eighty-three, and eighty~four months, and no further allowance shall be made. I Regnglng at w¤e- Sec. 2. That the allowance for loss herein provided shall be ascerl‘,{}‘,?,‘Z,,:{,§i,§'},,,'{{,g,lf,lQj tained by regauge on request of distiller before the expiration of eighty- ¤¤¤1¤¤¤¢¤- four months from_ déite of originalbgaggie, andbshall alppgr tsp lplprits remaining in any in erna -revenue on e ware ouse w IC s a ave beetpgegagggd hertettoibre t;1ndetr·tlthe_plppvisio];1s of ?ctipln lift;;;? the sm c o ugus wen -e1g e1g een un re an nine - our: 1****2*- Provided, That for the regauge of spirits originally gauged for deposit Spirits all . . gmgea umnilisszl on or before the first day of March, eighteen hundred and nmety-two, •*°- the request of the distiller for a regauge under the provisions of this lActdma{ bel made at any time before the iirst day of May, eighteen un re an ninety-nine. _ Approved, March 3, 1899. Inch 3. 1899. 436.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to suspend the operation "‘_‘""_; of eertam provisions of law relating to the War Department, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqoresentatives of the United émy. _ f States of America in Congress assembled, That an Act entitled "An Act ,_,,,}"f,§’§§,‘§‘.§§,'},,'f,f,$‘Z$Q to suspend the operation of certain provisions of law relating to the Ame r- 433- War Department, and for other purposes," approved June seventh, ' pighteen hundred and ninety-eight, is hereby amended so as to read as 0 ows: “That the operation of the following provisions of law be, and is hereby, continued suspended for such further time as, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, may be found necessary, or until otherwise proigdeél by (Jdngress, not longer, however, than March ilrst, nineteen un re name y: “ lfirst. The provision of the first section of the Act entitled ‘An Act malrm g appropriations for the support of the Army for the ilscal year ending June tlprtlcith, eighteenlhundred and eighty-nine, and for other purposes in the 0 lowing worn s: pm;.. I f i “ ‘ Proalided, That hereafter no part of this appropriation shall be m_$},'f“‘ °' ‘""‘ '“" expended m the purchase for the Army of draft animals until the ver ze, paso. number on hand shall be reduced to five thousand, and thereafter shall only lie expended for the purchase of a number sufficient to keep the snpp y up to five thousand} Aw, ,,,323, *‘ Second. The provisions of the first section of the Act entitled ‘An Act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the iiscal ygar ending June thllrtpetln, enghteendhundred and ninety-nine, and tor , o- er purposes ’ in e 0 owing wor s: P§{;$f"*°“’°' *1** “ ‘ Provided, ,That hereafter no part of the appropriations for the -pl-n.::..; rm, m. Qnartermastefs Department shall be expended on printing unless the same shall be done by contract, after due notice and competition, except wmlmm when in such_ cases as the emergency wrll not admit of the giving notice for c,mp,,s,, ,,0; compet1tion: Proraded jurther, That after advertisement all the supphes am, p. a;·~.. for the use of the var1ous departments and posts oi the Army and of the branches ot the army service shall hereafter be purchased where