Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1661

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1626 coNvnNction-Mnx1co. DECEMBER 21, 1897. decision of the cases which have los casos que se le han sometido, -been submitted to it, they have, han nombrado con ese objeto sus for that purpose, appointed their respectivos Plenipotenciarios, a respective Plenipotentiaries, to saber: wit: risuipsrsumms. The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados States of America, John Sherman, Unidos de América a John Sher- - Secretary of State of the United man, Secretario de Estado de los States of America; and Estados Unidos de América; y The President of the United E1 Presidente de los Estados States of Mexico, Matias Romero, Unidos Mexicanos a Matias Ro- Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- mero, Enviado Extraordinario y ter Plenipotentiary of the United Ministro Plenipotenciario de los State of Mexico in Washingtoii; Estados Unidos Mexicanos en Washington; Who, afterhavingcommunicated Quienes, despues de haberse ` to each other their respective full comunicado sus respectivos plenos powers, found in good and due form, poderes, encontrandolos en buena y have agreed upon and concluded debida forma,ypuestos de acuerdo the following Article: entre si, han convenido en el arti- ' culo siguiente: nw1cm. ARTIGUL0 nmco. Mm¤¤¤cg:v;:$; The duration of the Convention La duracion de la Convencion de menus}, one year. of March 1, 1889, signed by the 1° de Marzo de 1889, iirmada entre United States of America and the los Estados Unidos de América y United States of Mexico; which los Estados Unidosliilexicanos que, according to the provisions of Ar- conforme alas estipnlaciones de su ticle IX thereof, was to remain in Articulo IX, debia permanecer viforce for five years, counting from gentepor cinco anos contados desde the date of the exchange of its _ la fecha del canje de sus ratiiicaratiiioations, which period was ex- ciones, cuyo plazo se amplio por la tended by the Convention of Octo- Convencion de 1° de Octubre de ber 1, 1895, to December 24, 1896, 1895 hasta e1 24 de Dicienibro de and by the Convention of Novem· 1896, y por la Convencion de 6 de ber 6, December 24, 1897,is Noviembre de 1896 hasta el 24 extended by the present Conven— de Diciembre de 1897, se prorroga tion for the period of one year por la presente Convencion por el counting from this last date. periodo de_ un ano contado desde esta nltima feclia. R¤i*i¤¤**•>¤· Thi Convention shall be ratitied Esta Convencion sera ratiiicada by the two High Contracting Par- porlas dos Altus Partes Contratanties in conformity with their re- tes, de acuerdo con sus respectivas spective Constitutions, and the Constituciones, ylas ratiiicaciones ratitications shall be exchanged in se canjearan en Washington tan __ Washington as soon as possible. pronto como sea posible.

  • ‘¥““‘“"°°· In testimony whereof, we, the En fé de lo cual, los iufrascritos,

undersigned, by virtue of our re- en virtud de nuestros respectivos spective powers, have signed this poderes, hemos tirmado esta Con- Convention in duplicate, in the vencion por duplicado. en las len- English and Spanish languages, guas inglesa y espanola, y les and have aiiixed our respective hemos puesto nuestros respectivos seals. sellos. Done in theCity of Washington, Hecho en la Ciudad de Washon the 29th day of October, of the ington, el dia 29 de Octnhre del year one thousand eight hundred ano de mil ochocientos noventa y and ninety-seven. siete. Jonn Snmctaun [snni Jenn Sixmxnn sniu. M. Romano. [smni M. Romano. isnnri c_E,§f,’f”¤° °‘ "“"“‘ And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratrtications of the two Governments were exchanged in the _