Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1671

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION—WASHINGTON. JUNE 15, 1897. 1637 casde force majeureal’cgard de ses of force majeure over against its expéditeurs. senders. 4—Jusqu'§n preuvc du contraire, 4.-Until the contrarybe proved, Rupqnsnumy at la responsabilité ineombe at l’Ad- the responsibility rests with the l°""°"'“°°'°d“"'°'°· ministration qui, ayant regu Pobjet Administration which, having resans faire d’observation, ne peut ceived the article without making établir ni la délivrance au desti- any remark, cannot prove either nataire ni, s’i1 y a lieu, la trans- the delivery to the addressee, or mission reguliere at l’Administra- the regular transmission to the tion suivante. Pour les envois next Administration, as the case adressés poste restante,la respon- may be. As regards articles ad- ]¤’¤¤¤:¤ ¤¤·i¤=¤¤·>·i sahilité cesse par la délivrance a dressed poslc restante, the respon- W °"° °m°` une personne quiajustiiié,suivant sibility ceases upon delivery to a les regles en vigueur dans le pays person who has proved, according de destination, que ses nom et to the regulations in force in the qualité sont conformes aux indi- country of destination, that his cations de Padresse. name and description correspond to those indicated in the address. 5-Le paiement de Pindemnité 5.-The payment of the iudem- Rlymeut at mampar l’Othee eirpéditeur doit avoir nity by the dispatching Office um" lieu le plus tot possible et, au plus should be made as soon as po sible, tard, dans le délai d’un an a partir and at the latest within the period du jourde laréclamation. L’Office of one year dating from the day of responsable est tenu de rembourser the reclamation. The responsible sans retard, a l’OiHce expéditeur, Office is bound to refund to the disle montant de Pindemnité payee patching Office without delay the par celui—ci. . amount of the indeinnity paid by the latter. . L’Oflice d’origine est autori é a The Office of origin is authorized désintéresser l’expéditeur pour le toiudemnify the sender on account compte de 1’0lhce iutermédiaire of the intermediary Office or the ou destinataire qui, régulierement Office of destination which, after saisi, a laissé une ann e s’éc0uler regular application has been made, sans donner suite at Paifaire. En has allowed a year to elapse withoutre, dans le cas on un Oiifice outattending to the matter. Moredont la responsabilité est dument over, in case an office whose re- établie, a tout d’abord décliné le sponsibility has been duly estabpayement de Yindemnité, i1 doit lished, has originally declined to prendre a sa charge, en plus de pay the indemnity, it must take Yindemnité, lcs {luis accessoires upon itself, in addition to the inrésultant du retard non justiiié deumity,the accessory clmrges reapporté au payement. · snltingfrom theunwarranted delay in payment. 6-Il est entendu que la rérla- 6.—-It is understood that the Timelimie. mation n’est admise que dans le application for an indemnity is dclai d’un an.:1 partir du depot a entertained only if made within la poste de l’envoi revoinmandé; the period of one year from the passe ce terme, le reclamant n’a time when the registered article droit Sr aucune indemnité. was mailed; after this period has passed, the claimant has no right to any indemnity. 7-Si la perte a eu lieu en cours 7.-If the loss has occurred dur- Sharing umm;. de transport sans qu’il soit possible ing transportation, and it is imposd’¢?tablir sur lc territoire on dans sible to ascertain on the territory le service de quel pays le init s’est or in the service of what country accompli, les Administrations en the loss took place, the Adminiscause supportent le dommage par trations concerned bear the loss in parts cg:-iles. equal proportions. 8-Les Administrations cessent 5.--Administrations cease to be diijwggrgjgliw endd’&ti·e responsables des envois re- responsible for registered articles, Y " commandes dont lcs ayants droit for which the owners have given a out donné regu et pris livraison. receipt and have accepted them.