Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1692

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1 658 L NIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENT[ON—WAS HINGTON. JUNE 15, 1897. Cufmucy equiva· L"_ ‘ ,`?I ‘ *5 "‘ ‘ _ . . · - 25 I 10 I 5 Countries of 25 10 I 5 18um-Contmued Pay Sdcl Lm(m'I centimes. I centimes. centimes. the Union. I centimes. I centiines. w centimes. -;€]_j-CIBC` *1;-_; 1@~`4,·-_?` T; Argentine (Re-'B centsvos 4 centavos Zcentavos. Argentine Re- 8 centavos 4 centavos 2 centavos. publique). I I public. ~ I I Autriche·H on-Ilo kreuzer 5 kreuzer .-3 kreuzer. Austria - Hu n -I10 kreuzerI5 kreuzer. .3 kreuzer. ric. I ary. ‘ . Bglilivie I10 centavos`4 centa.v0sI2centav0s. Bgilivia. Il0centavos 4 centavosI2 centavos. Bosnie·Herzé· 10 kreuzer 5 kreuzer. 3 kreuzer. Bosnia-Herz e- 10 kreuzer 5 kreuzer. 3 kreuzer. govine. I I govina.

  • Brésil I100 reis . .. I50 reis . . . . 25 reis. *Brazil ... 100 reis . . . 50 reis 25 reis.

Canada ... =5 cents I2 cents 1 cent. Canada . ... 5 cents I2 cents 1 cent. Chili .. fs centavos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Chile .. 5 centavosI2 centavos l centavo. Colombie .. 15 centavosJ2 centavosI1 centavo. Colombia. .. <5 centavos»2 centavosl centavo. Corée .. [25 poon . . .I10 poon . .. 5 poon. Korea . I25 poon . . . 10 poon . . . is poon. Costa-Rica 5 ¢·,entavosI2 centavosI1 centavo. Costa. Rica I5 ceutavos 2 centavosI1 centavo. Danemark . '20 ore . *10 ore . 5 Eire. Denmark . ·20 ore . 10 ore . 5 cre. Colonies danoi~I I Danish C o l o I BBS: 1116  : Groenland. . I20 ore . 10 fire . 5 ore. Greenland. . . 20 ore . 10 ore . 5 oro. Antilles da- 5 cents 2 cents 1 cent. Danish West 5 cents . ..2 cents 1 cent. noises. Indies. I Dominicainc 5 centavos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Dominican Re- 5 centavosI2 centavos 1 centavo. ( République). public. I

  • Egypte ... 1 piastre . . 5milliemes»2milliemes * Egypt 1 piastre . . Smilliemes 2mi1liemes

I de livre. de livre. I of a livre. of a livre. Eqluarenr .. 5 centavos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Ecuador ... 5 centavos 2 centavos >1 centavo. Co onies espag- Spanish Colonoles: nies: Cuba, Porto- 5 centavos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Cuba, Porto 5 centavos 2 centavos 1 centavo. R'i c 0, llc s Rico, Philip- Philippines pine Islands at depen- and dependances , et dencies, and etablisse- establishments du mentsonthe golfe do Gulfof Gui uinée. hea. · E t A t s · U n i s 5 cents 2 cents 1 cent. United States 5 cents 2 cents 1 cent. d’Amérique. of America. Grande-Bro- 2} pence .. 1 penny... 5 penny. Great Britain.. 25 pence ..:1 penny...Eg penny. tagne. I I Colonies Bri-British Colotanniques : nies : Antigua, Ba- 2g pence .. 1 penny... { penny. Antigua, Ba- 2} pence .. 1 penny. . . -1 penny. hamas (ilu). hamas, Bar- I ‘ Barbade, bados, Ber- Berm ude s , mudas, Gold C6te·d’ Or, Coast, Dom- Dominique inica, Falk- Falkland land Is- (iles), Gam~ lands, Gamble, Gro- bia, Grenanade, Liam11i- d s, Jamaiue, egos, c La os, glalte, Mon t- halts, Aleutserrat, N atal, serrat, Nat- Nevis, St. · al, Nevis, St. U1¤ri¤wp15•¤. christopher, _ Ste.—L u c 1 e, St. Lucia, St. St.-Vincent, V i n c on t, Slerra·Lé- Sierra Leone, Tabago, one, Tobago, '1`rinit.é,'1‘m·· T ri nidad, ques (iles) Turks Is-I et Vierg es land, Virgin. I I (lles). Islands. 1 l I Gnnyne an ·I5 cents 2 cents 1 cent. British Gui· 5 cents 2 cents ·1 cent. Elaine, Hon·I ana, British` » ufl? bri-I Honduras, I tannirppe etI and New “ Terre-1`euveI , fonndland . I Hong Kong1D cents de!. cents de,2 cents do Hongkon g,·10 cents ol`4 cents ol'2 cents of B r i ti s dollar. dollar. I dollar. British Bor·I ndollsr. - s dollar. . a dollar. North Bot- ‘ neoand Lab·I I ' neo et Lab- 5 nan. I l _ · ¤·¤z- 1 x I ° Straits Sett1e·*8 cents de 3 cents dell cent de iSamwakand¤8 cents of a;3 cents of1 cent of a ments. l dollar. dollar. I dollar. Straits Set-I dollar. l a dollar. · dollar. _ _ I I tlements. * < Maurice (ile)118 cent. dell cent. de4 cent. de Mauritius 18 cents of 8 cents of 4 cents of e t d e pen- ronpie. roupie. ronpie. and depen-Q a rupee. a rupee. I a rupee. dances. _ I dencies. I ’ , Lbypre .. 2 piastros lpiastrcoujpizstreou Cyprus .. 12 piastreslpiastro or} piastreur on 80 pa-I 40 paras. 2 20 paras. I or 80 pa-I -10 paras. 20 paras. _ ras. { i ras. Ccylan -. 15 cent. de_6 cent. deg3 cent. de Ceylon .. 115 cents o£6 cents ofs cents of roupie. ¢ roupie. 5 roupie. 5 arupee. a ru; ee. I a rupee. Cap de Bonne 2} pence .. I1 penny. . . 4 penny. Cape of Good 21} pence . . 1 penny. . . g penny. Esperance. 1 j Hope. ‘ ` Zanzibar e_tg2§ annas . .Il anna . .. ,5 anna. Zanzibar and 25 annas . . 1 anna g anna. Afrique IEast Africa. ' intale. t,)& gl I · . · scension c 1. pence..; penn nn . Ascension? nce.]1 ,nn nn . s..Hm I I ’ I*"° ’ .1 s.. Hel-. *"° , "" ’ ,*"“ ’ . I 5 cna. ‘ E Australasie. . ,2g pence . .`1 penny. ..Ig penny. Australasia. . 25 pence . penny...I{ penny- •