Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1735

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION—WASHlNGTON. JUNE 15, 1897. 1701 6°_1es agences pontales que l’Ad· 6th. The postal agencies which mimstration des postes de Gibral- the Postal Administration of Gibtar entretient a Tanger,Laraiche, raltar maintains at Tangier, La- Rahat, Casablanca, Sam, Mazagan raiche, RabatMCasablanca, Sain, et Mogador (Maroc); t Mazagan and ogador (Morocco); 7** les bureaux de poste que l’Ad— 7th. The post offices which the ministration do la colonic anglaise Administration of the British Colde Hong-KongentretientaHoihow ony of Hong—Kong maintains at (Kiung-Schow), Canton, Swatow, Hoihow (Kiungchow), Canton, · Amoy, Foo-Chow, Ningpo, Sheng- Swatow, Amoy, Foo Chow, Ning- Hai et Hankow (Chino); po Shaughai,andHankow(China); 8** les établissemuents de posts éth. The Indian postal estabindiens d’Aden, de Mascate, du lishmentsofAden,Muscat,theP• r- golfe PersiqueetdeGuadu1·,comme sian Gulf, and Guadur, as subordirelevant de l’Administration des nate to the Postal Administration A postes de l’Inde britannique; of British India; 9** la Bepublique do SaintMarin 9th. The Republic of San Maet le bureau italien de Tripoli de rino and the Italian post office of Barbarie, comme relevant de l’Ad- Tripoli in Barbary, as subordinate ministration des postes d’Italie; go the Postal Administration of is yi 10** les bureaux de poste que 10th. The post offices which the l’Administration japonaise a eta- Japanese Administration has esblis a Shang—Hai, a Tientsin et a tablished at Shanghai, Tien Tsin Chefoo (China), a Fusanpo, a Gen- and Chefoo (China), Fusanpo, Genzanshin et a Jinsen (Corée); zanshin, and Jinsen (Corea); ‘ 11** le Grand-Duché de Finlande, 11th. The-Grand Duchy of Fincomme faisant partie intégrante land, as forming an integral part de 1’Empire de Russie; of the Empire of Russia; 12** Basutoland, comme relevant 12th. Basutoland as subordinate de l’Administration des postes de to the Postal Administration of the la colonic du Cap de Bonne Espe- Colony of the Cape of Good Hope; rance· . 13** ddlaliisch-Bay, comme faisant 13th. Walnsch Bay, as forming partie de la colonic du Cap de part of the Colony of the Cape of Bonne-Esperance. Good Hope. 2.——Dans Pintervalle qui s’écoule _ 2.-In the interval which elapses §'<>¤¤¤ vf Mw i>·>¤¢~ entre les reunions, les Administra- between the meetings, the Admin- 2{;f,°§,,*§‘,f§’%‘§§§?f,*§’§f tions des pays de 1’Union qui ou- istrations of the countries of the vrent dans des pays étrangers it Union which open, in countries l’Union des bureaux de poste qui foreign to the Union, post offices doivent étre considérés comme ap- which are to be considered as bepartenant a l’Union, en font com- longing to the Uniorncommuuicate nnunicatiou aux Administrations the ihct to the Administrations of de tous les autres pays de l’Union, all the othereountries of the Union, par Vintermédiare du Bureau in- through the intermediary of the ternational. International Bureau. XLI. XLI. Proposition: faites dans Plntervalle Propositions made in the Interval des Reunions. between the Meetings. 1.-—Dans Pintervalle qui s’éc0ule 1.-In the interval which elapses m”*‘°“° P’° entre les reunions, toute Adminis- between the meetings, the Postal tration des postes d’un pays de Administration of each country of 1’Union a le droit d’adresser aux the Union has the right to address autres Administrations partici- to the other participating Adminpantes, par Pintermédiaire du Bu- iutrations, through the intermedireauinternationahdes propositions ary of the International Bureau, concernant les dispositions du pre- propositions concerning the stipsent Reglement. ulations of the present Regulations,. ‘